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She pulled free, glaring at him. “Why not? You look at my sweet little Tony and ask, why not? I come from a very small village. My relatives are old-fashioned. If they ever find out I have a baby with no husband, I would be disowned. So I come up with solution.”

“Which is?” Luc asked.

Helpless tears flowed down her cheeks. With a cry of distress, she snatched Tony from Grace and repeatedly kissed the tuft of black hair peeking out of the blanket. Then Carina thrust the tiny bundle at Brand. “Tony is also yours,” she said, choking on a sob. “You take care of our baby while I am in Italy. When mymammais better, I will return and be an unwed, deserted mother once more.” Dropping the diaper bag to the ground, she pushed past Grace and fled the room.

“Wait!” Brand started to follow, then realized he was somewhat encumbered. “Son of a—”

“We need to discuss this,” Luc began.

“Later.” Brand fumbled awkwardly with his armload and shot his brother a look of anguished pleading. “I have to stop her.”

“Mr. Salvatore?” Edward filled the doorway. “Is there a problem?”

“Yes, there is,” Luc said. “Call down to the front desk. There’s a young woman, petite, long dark hair, and probably crying. I want her detained. She’s . . .” He glanced at the baby. “She’s left behind a rather important package.”

“Right away, sir.” Edward spun on his heel and disappeared.

“Brand—” Luc began.

“No, there isn’t time.” Without further ado, Brand dumped the baby into Luc’s arms. “You watch Tony. I’ll go get Carina.”

“Wait one damn minute. Come back here.” But it was too late. Brand was gone. Luc stared in dismay at the baby, before glancing at Grace. A gleam appeared in his eyes, one that didn’t bode well for her. “Why, Ms. Barnes,” he practically purred, advancing toward her with his most charming, determined smile. He held out the baby. “Look what I have for you.”

Chapter 2

The Great Lie

Still Day 337: And all is not so well . . .

Graceheld up her hands and backed away. “Oh, no,” she protested. “This is your problem.”

Luc stopped dead in his tracks, staring in astonishment. “You’d desert me in my hour of need?”


“You’d leave Brand and Carina in the lurch?” he demanded in disbelief.

“Without question.”

His brows drew together. “You’d turn your back on a poor, helpless baby?”

She stared at him, stricken. He’d gotten her with that one. She adored children. She always had. Throughout her teen years, whenever anyone needed a babysitter, they called her. Anytime the church required someone to supervise the nursery on Sundays, her name came to mind first. And though she couldn’t claim a lot of experience with infants, she couldn’t turn her back on a baby in need.

“That’s not fair,” she complained. But he had her. And if he didn’t know it, he undoubtedly sensed it.

“Come,cara mia.”He held out Tony and offered a helpless smile. “I know nothing of babies. Besides, it won’t be for long. Only until Brand returns with Carina and they sort out their little problem.”

Unable to resist, she took the “little problem” and peered into his sweet, sleeping face. Luc leaned over, running a finger across the baby’s flushed cheek.

“He’s a Salvatore, all right,” Luc pronounced. “He’s the image of my brother.”

“What’s going to happen with Brand and Carina?” she asked in concern.

“They’ll marry.” His expression reflected his amusement. “It promises to be a rather volatile relationship, wouldn’t you agree?”

She shuddered. “Too volatile.” A far more serious question concerned her and she gathered her nerve to voice it. “How will your father take the news?”

“Not well,” Luc admitted. “He’s as old-fashioned as Carina’s parents.” He smoothed the tiny line forming on Grace’s brow, his touch easing her distress and yet stirring a strange agitation. “Don’t worry. I’ll handle him. The first order of business is to get them married. That should go a long way toward placating my father.”

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