Page 31 of How to: Hide a Baby

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“Never mind that. What the hell were you doing running around looking like you did when you could have looked like... Damn!”

With a teasing grin, Matteo threw himself at her feet. “Marry me, Grace.”

Soren turned to confront Luc. “You kept her all covered up on purpose. I can’t decide whether to applaud your cleverness, or beat you senseless for doing that to her.”

Luc shrugged. “I told you. It wasn’t my idea. Blame Will-William.”

A frown marred Dante’s handsome face and his hands balled into fists, giving him an even more striking tough-guy appearance. “Your fiancé makes you dress like that? Like... Like...”

“Like a bag lady,” Luc supplied helpfully.

“He makes you dress like a bag lady?” Dante’s frown grew darker. “What the hell for?”

“Yeah,” Matteo echoed, an identical frown lining his brow. “What the hell for?”

For the first time, Grace managed to get a word in edgewise. “To protect me from my boss,” she deadpanned, trying to relieve the mounting tension. It hadn’t occurred to her that they’d see her disguise in such an ominous light.

“To protect you?” Soren assumed a defensive stance in front of her and turned a suspicious glare in his brother’s direction. “From Luc?”

“It worked, didn’t it?” she said with an impish grin.

Her jest broke the mood, the four brothers grinning broadly. She crossed to the table and caught a brief glimpse of Luc’s narrowed, thoughtful gaze. It was as though a light bulb had just gone on in his head. She suspected she’d given a little too much away with that last crack, and Luc had found a large piece to the overall puzzle he’d been attempting to solve. She didn’t dare glance his way again, in case her expression confirmed his suspicions. Anxious to change the subject, she scooped Toni out of Luc’s arms.

“So, what do you think of your niece?” she asked the room at large.

Her question brought a slew of responses, each proud uncle attempting to out-flatter the others. It was clear they adored the newest member of the family. Within minutes, the baby had been snatched away from Grace. All through the meal, one uncle after another took genuine pleasure in holding their tiny niece. Toni kicked her little legs and waved her hands, delighted to be on the receiving end of so much attention, and blinked adoringly into each handsome face.

“Flirt,” Angel announced in proud disgust. “It’s a good thing you have so many uncles. When you’re a little older, you’ll need us to beat off the boys.”

“So, when does Brand return and face the music?” Soren asked, as pragmatic as ever.

“Soon, I hope,” Luc responded. “Until he does, Grace has agreed to help me with Toni.”

“You’re staying here?” Matteo questioned with an impudent grin.

Throwing a troubled glance Luc’s way, she nodded. So much for keeping this episode from Dom. She could only hope he’d be reasonable. If she could continue to hold Luc at a distance, she didn’t think there would be a problem. The only question being, could she do it? She hadn’t realized how much she’d come to depend on her disguise for protection. With that blown, she’d just have to cling even tighter to the imaginary William.

“Yes,” she said. “I’m using Luc’s guest room until Brand or Carina returns. That reminds me.” She slipped from her chair and addressed Luc. “I need to call my fiancé and give him an update. Do you mind if I use the phone in your study? My cell’s out of power and I forgot to grab my recharger when we were at my apartment.”

“Feel free.” She couldn’t read his expression, but somehow suspected it held amusement. “Oh, and Grace?”

She glanced back over her shoulder. “Yes?”

This time she couldn’t mistake his amusement. “Be sure and give him my regards.”

The buzz of questions began the moment she stepped from the room. She didn’t doubt for a minute they were about her and William. And from their tone, she also didn’t doubt they were critical of her supposed fiancé. Not that it mattered. A few more weeks and she could dispense with her engagement ring and be finished forever with lies and pretend engagements and futile disguises.

Sitting in Luc’s study, she punched her home phone number into the portable and spoke sheer drivel to her answering machine for the next ten minutes. Luc appeared in the doorway just as she returned the handset to the base.

“How’s Will-William?” he asked.

“Anxious for Carina and Brand to return so our lives can get back to normal,” she lied with composure.

He continued to stand in the doorway, blocking her only avenue of escape. “He’s not concerned about your staying here?”

She regarded him with hard-won calm. “Should he be?”

“I would, if I were your fiancé.” He left the doorway and approached, standing directly in front of her chair. “In fact, I wouldn’t allow you to spend five minutes in another man’s apartment, let alone the entire night.”

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