Page 119 of Naughty Lessons

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Yet, the bastard had settled nicely into another family.

“But even when he said that, I understood something. Closure doesn't have to be all roses and lilies, Noah. It could just be me knowing that I’d done my best and being at peace with that. In fact, for me, closure has always been somethingI give to myself.”

I listened, letting her words wash over me. How curious for such a young thing to have so much more wisdom than people years older. Including me.

“And that’s the only time it ever works. Whenever I sit around and wait for the world to settle some karmic imbalance, I just... I feel useless. I feel like I’ve lost the chance to help make a good change. But the day I know I’ve tried, even if I fail—it brings me peace.”

“Vigilante Rory.” I chuckled.

She grinned. “That’s a nice name. I’ll use it when I write my biography. So, here’s the bland truth. You can’t stop me from trying to bring Emory Abbot or Natasha Finch down. I’m going to try. And I’m going to do it with or without you.”

Turning to me, she let me see the fire in her eyes.

“It’s your decision, Noah. And I’m going to have this conversation with both Benjamin and Elijah, but you—you were my friend first. So, what’s it going to be?”

I didn’t even need to think twice.

“With me, Rory. Always with me.”



Ialready knew Emory Abbot’s reason for calling me to his office.

He didn’t expect me to come prepared.

The game of chess we were playing had already begun, and for me to win, I had to play just the way hethoughthe wanted me to.

The innocent, helpless little lamb, chastised and looking for guidance.

He sat behind his mahogany desk, armored with his money and power, a smug little smile on his face.

“Aurora, I announce this with great pride. The Summer Gala is four days from now.”

I waited, knowing full well what was coming.

“Every year, we choose one student with a distinguished academic record to present a short article relevant to their interest. The same student reports directly to me and helps take care of all the guests who attend the event.”

I feigned an air of excitement. “That sounds amazing, sir.”

“We are expecting a distinguished list of academics this year. Professor McManus, who you will know as one of our alumni, will also be attending.”

McManus was one of the biggest names in the psychology world. Noah hadn’t been wrong about the event’s academic significance. No wonder this sneaky little rat had been using it to keep his hands clean.

I expected there would be a lot of chaos this time, anyway.

Students were bound to be excited in anticipation of all the ways in which their future careers could benefit from the gala. A perfect chance for him to be his creepy self.

The fucker.

“I love Professor McManus' work,” I gushed, hoping I wasn’t being too obvious. “Sir, it would be my honor to represent the university. I can get started on the article right away.”

“Good, good.” He flashed me an oily smile.

“The day of the gala, you will be required to move into a private room assigned to you at The Four Seasons. The event will happen in the main auditorium and the surrounding banquet hall. Of course, should you need any guidance, my doors are always open.”

Like hell I’d walk through those doors, unless it was to send him to Lucifer.

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