Page 77 of Paved in Blood

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She smiles and hooks her ankles around my lower back. “Yes,” she whispers.

I laugh in relief and kiss her again. I never thought I’d get married, never even had the slightest desire to do so, but the thought of letting Emily go, of not having her in my life is not something I can live with. I want her. I want the family, the babies, the ridiculous Christmas cards where we’re all dressed the same. I fucking want it all with this woman.

“I love you.” I brush a strand of sweaty hair off her forehead and kiss the tip of her nose. “You make me want things that I never thought I’d want, baby, but I want them all with you. I’m not a good man, and I wish I could tell you that I’ll change, that I’ll get a regular job and be the type of man who’s worthy of someone like you, but I’d just be lying, and I won’t ever lie to you, little sun. I’m a bad man who does bad things, and tonight won’t be the last night I come home with blood on my hands.”

“I know,” she says, running her fingers along my jaw. “I love you, Roman, every part of you. I know who you are, and I wouldn’t change anything.” She worries her bottom lip before asking, “Do you want a big wedding? Is that something you want?”

I laugh. “I’ve never thought about getting married. It never even entered my mind until I met you, but, no, I don’t really want a big wedding,” I admit. “But we’ll have one if that’s what you want. We can do whatever you want.”

She shakes her head. “I don’t want my family there. I know my parents will be furious because they’ll want to use this as some sort of fucked-up photoshoot, but I don’t want any of those bastards at our wedding.”

I let out a relieved sigh. I’m willing to do whatever she wants, but the last thing I want to do is share the most important moment of my life with a roomful of fucking perverts that I’d very much like to kill. That’s not the kind of memories I want when she becomes my wife.

“Something small and private then?” I ask.

“Very small, like just your brothers. Is that okay?”

“It’s perfect.” I roll us over, keeping her on top of me and my semi-hard cock still inside her. Her dark hair falls around us, and I can’t resist threading my fingers through the silky strands. “You’re perfect,” I tell her.

She smiles and kisses me as her body relaxes on top of mine. “I think my fiancé is the one who’s perfect.”

My smile is ridiculously big at hearing her call me her fiancé. She laughs and kisses me again. “You looked so scary earlier, Roman. When you came charging into that farmhouse, you were terrifying, but I think you’re really just a big softie.”

It’s my turn to laugh, because she couldn’t be more wrong even if she tried. “Only for you, solnishka.” I slide my hands down her back, giving her ass a smack before gripping the perfect round cheeks in my hands. “You’re the only person who will ever see this side of me, and it belongs only to you.”

She gives my bottom lip a soft bite. “Good.”

I groan when she starts to rock her hips. “Still hungry, little sun?”

Her breathy “Yes” mixed with the way she’s rocking her hips is all it takes to get my fully hard again. She sits up, bracing her hands against my chest as she rolls her hips. With each second that passes, her embarrassment at being on display vanishes as her need takes over. My fingers dig into her hips while I watch her ride me. I love seeing her chase after her own pleasure. The way her mouth parts with each gasp, the soft bounce of her tits, the way her hips move beneath my tight grip—god, she’s fucking breathtaking.

“That’s right, solnishka,” I growl, rocking my hips up to meet her movements. “Use my cock, baby. Be a good girl and make yourself come.”

Her nails scrape my chest, digging in deeper the closer she gets to her release. I can’t take my eyes off her. My fiancée. God, just that word has my cock throbbing, stretching her tight cunt even more and threatening to spill inside her again.

“Roman,” she moans, meeting my eyes right before she throws her head back on a scream. Her pussy clenches around me so fucking tightly that I hiss out a breath as I grab her hips and force her to take me deeper.

“Goddamn,” I groan, letting the tight, wet heat of her milk me of everything I have. Her body gives one last shudder before she falls back on top of me, gasping for air, her body softly shaking, completely spent and used, just like I want her to always be.

I give a soft laugh and run my fingers along her spine. “You’re going to be the end of me, solnishka.”

She kisses my chest. “No, not the end,” she corrects. “The beginning, our beginning.”

I smile and kiss her forehead. My fingers graze her sides, slipping between us just enough so I can drag the tips of my fingers along her stomach.

“I want a family with you.” I laugh at the reality of what I’ve just said. “Jesus Christ, what have you done to me, little sun?” Cupping the back of her head, I kiss her again and say, “I want you pregnant and swollen with our baby. I know the world is a shit place and more dangerous than the average person thinks it is, but I don’t care. I will keep you safe, and I’ll keep our kids safe.”

“Kids, huh? As in more than one?” she says with a soft, drowsy laugh.

“Yes, baby. I want more than one. We need at least two—a beautiful little girl who looks like her mommy, and a boy who’s probably going to give us both grey hair from all the trouble he’ll get into.”

“Maybe she’ll be the troublemaker,” Emily says, running her fingers along my bicep as she pictures our future family.

“God help us,” I say with a groan. Rambunctious boys I can handle. A daughter who sneaks out to meet boys, holy fuck, I’ll never sleep again.

She yawns and snuggles in even deeper against me. “Let’s get married soon.” Her eyes are already closed when she whispers, “Like tomorrow.”

I smile and stroke her hair as she falls asleep. I hope she was being serious, because I’m more than ready to make this official. I hold her and plan out everything I need to do before she wakes. When she’s in a deep sleep, I gently roll her over and then immediately miss the feel of her against me. Asleep, with her face relaxed, the bruising seems more obvious, and god does it piss me off. Knowing that some other man put his hands on her, hurt her, and then tried to take what only belongs to me is enough to quickly push me into a rage. Instead of giving it full rein, I push it down and kiss her cheek, whispering in her ear that I love her. The rage can come out and play later, just not while I’m around her.
