Page 76 of Paved in Blood

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After my body and hair are done, I grab the sponge and start to wash him. I scrub the dried blood from his hands, his forearms, and where it had splattered along his neck and face. He leans into my touch, and I’m not surprised when his hard cock is suddenly pressing against my stomach. With a groan, he pulls me out of the shower and then slowly dries me off.

“Are you going to treat me like I’m made of glass now?” I ask, running my hands through his hair as he kneels and dries one of my feet.

He looks up at me, locking those gorgeous green eyes on mine and making it hard for me to breathe.

“Maybe I will, solnishka, but it will only be so I can fuck you until you break into a million pieces beneath me.”

He leans closer, pressing his face against my pussy.

“I’m going to erase every single memory of them.” He looks up at me as he kisses right above my clit. “You are mine.”

“Yes,” I whisper as he picks me up and carries me to the bed.

Chapter 13


All I can think about is how badly I want to erase every touch from those fuckers. Every time I think about walking in on her being held down by those assholes, I feel my sanity start to slip.

She’s here. She’s fine. She’s alive and breathing.

I repeat the sentences in my head like a mantra as I run my hands over her bruised body. Flipping her over on her stomach, I growl at the sight of her back and ass. He’d dragged her like fucking trash across his yard, marking her skin with scrapes, bruising it with every hit they gave her. His death had been too fucking quick.

She lets out a breathy pant when I skim my lips along her spine, leaving a trail of soft kisses on her reddened skin. In the short time we’ve been together, her body has been marked in so many ways. Some by me, by choice, and others that were completely against her will.

“You’d be better off without me,” I whisper against her skin, and when her body tenses and she tries to turn around to argue with me, I splay my hand against her lower back, keeping her pinned in place. “Relax, sweetheart. I could never let go of my little sun. I’m just making an observation. You’d be better off without me, but I can never let you go.”

She relaxes at my words, and I smile against the nape of her neck before giving her a soft bite. If anyone is going to mark her soft flesh, it’s going to be me, goddammit. I pin her to the bed with my body, groaning when my cock nestles into the crack of her ass.

“This brings back memories,” I say with a grin.

She moans and tries to rock her hips up to me, but I don’t let her move. I fist her hair, lifting it up while I kiss her shoulder and neck before running my tongue over the path I just kissed.

“Mine,” I whisper against her skin.

“Yours,” she whispers back.

I lift up enough for her to turn over, and as soon as she’s on her back, she wraps her arms and legs around me. I look down at her beautiful face and then close the distance so I can run my tongue over her bruised cheek. She lets out a breathy moan and runs her hands along my back, turning her face to give me better access. I lick and kiss her bruised cheek and jaw, and when I’m satisfied, I bring my lips to hers.

She opens her mouth for me, kissing me with a hunger and desperation that mirrors my own, and when she rocks her hips, running her smooth pussy along my shaft, I groan and fist my cock, putting my thick head at her slit.

“Please,” she moans against my lips, and when I slide in, she gasps and clings to me even tighter.

“I love you so fucking much,” I growl against her lips as I bury myself inside her. Her wet pussy grips me so fucking tightly that I have to force myself to take a breath to try and regain some control.

“I love you too.” Her body shakes beneath mine as her lips find me, kissing me until I can’t help but move my hips.

“I was so fucking scared,” I admit, slamming into her even harder. Her nipples drag along my chest with each hard thrust, and I know I’m not going to last long like this. I need her too much.

“I’m here,” she whispers against my lips. “I’m safe, and I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”

“I can’t lose you, solnishka.” I shake my head at the thought, even as I fuck her harder. “I wouldn’t fucking survive it. When I found out you’d been taken, god, baby, I would’ve killed anyone to get to you.” I meet her eyes—heavy-lidded and glazed with lust. “Anyone, baby. Anyone and everyone,” I tell her, and I mean every goddamn word of it. As much as I want to find my sister, I knew in that moment that I would risk our cover, I would risk everything to get Emily back, and I would’ve killed anyone who dared to stand in my way.

Her nails dig into my shoulders when the orgasm hits her, making her back bow up and her eyes roll back in her head. God she looks beautiful when she comes for me. She moans my name with a smile on her face, and that smile is all it takes to send me over the edge right along with her. Bringing my mouth to hers, I kiss her as my cock pulses inside her, filling her with every goddamn thing I have.

When we’re both completely spent, I stay buried inside her, kissing her gently and memorizing every detail of this moment. My fingers graze her cheek, and when her eyes flutter open, I give her bottom lip a soft suck before pulling back just enough to look at her.

“Marry me, solnishka.” I kiss her beautiful, surprised face and smile. “Marry me, baby. I swear I’ll get you a ring and kneel down and do it all proper, but please say you’ll marry me.”
