Page 70 of Paved in Blood

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“I gave her a black rubber band, told him she’d been discarded.” She darts her eyes to David. “She’ll be fine. I just wanted to scare her a little bit. She doesn’t understand English, so she probably doesn’t even understand what’s going on.”

“Tell me what the fuck she’s talking about,” I yell at David.

David sighs, and I know I’m not going to like what he’s about to say.

“We use different colored rubber bands on their wrists as a sorting method,” he says, confirming everything Danil was speculating on earlier.

“And what does black mean?” I ask.

David doesn’t meet my eyes when he says, “It means that she’s been thrown back.”

“Discarded,” I say, using the word Brandy had used.


I take a breath, willing my brain to keep functioning for just a bit longer. “I’m guessing girls who have been discarded aren’t treated very well.”

“They are not,” David confirms.

As soon as I look to my brothers, they step back to get out of the splatter zone before I swipe the blade across Brandy’s throat.

“Holy fuck!” David yells.

Brandy’s eyes widen in shock, but I don’t look away. I let her see how empty mine are as she bleeds out. She made the mistake a lot of women make. They assume that because they have a pussy, they’re safe from certain things. In her line of work, she should’ve known better. I will kill anyone who hurts the woman I love. It’s as simple as that.

When she’s dead, I wipe my blade clean and turn to David. “Tell me how to find Frank.”

Chapter 12


As soon as I’d walked out of that stall and seen Brandy’s smiling face, I knew I was in trouble. She’d clamped her hand over my mouth and hauled me through a door that I hadn’t even known was there. When I tried to get free, she’d yelled for another woman to help restrain me. The woman had hesitated, and Brandy had threatened to make her spend the evening with Eric, whoever the hell that is, if she didn’t help hold me down.

She’d done it, but I could tell she didn’t want to. Brandy kept her hand over my mouth and then made the other girl put a black rubber band on my wrist.

“You can’t do this,” the girl whispered, looking at me with the kind of pity that didn’t speak well about my immediate future.

“Oh yes I fucking can. This bitch needs to go. Roman is mine.”

At the mention of Roman’s name, my eyes had flown to Brandy’s. She still thought I only spoke Russian, so she’d smiled and said in a sweet voice, “That’s right, bitch. Roman is going to be mine, and your ass is going someplace very, very bad.”

I wanted to scream, but she’d quickly put a strip of duct tape over my mouth before binding my wrists. Together, they’d hauled me to the backdoor where a man was leaning against the wall.

“Is this her then?” he’d asked, running his eyes over me, making me feel completely on display and more vulnerable than I’ve ever been.

“It is.” Brandy had laughed and pushed me towards him. “Her owner doesn’t want her anymore. Said she pretended to be a virgin, but she’s just a dirty whore. Make sure you treat her like one, Frank.”

And with that, Brandy had laughed and walked off, leaving me with Frank, a man twice my size with the coldest eyes I’ve ever seen. Now we’re in his truck, driving to who the hell knows where, each mile putting me further away from Roman, the one man who can get my ass out of this mess.

I stare out the window, trying to figure out where we are, but we’ve been off the main roads since the beginning, and the city seems very far away. When Frank reaches over, I try to scoot as far away as I can get, but he just lets out an annoyed grunt and grabs the edge of the duct tape, ripping it free of my mouth.

My first instinct is to scream and beg him to release me, but his next sentence reminds me of why I can’t do that.

“Brandy said you don’t speak English. Looks like I caught myself a little Russian beauty.” He chuckles and runs his fingers down my arm.

If I start speaking English and tell him what’s really going on, then I’ll be blowing Roman’s cover. I’ll be ruining everything they’ve worked so hard for. I can’t do that. I can’t be the one responsible for fucking this up. I can’t be the reason Alina is never found, so I grit my teeth and keep my jaw clenched shut. This bastard isn’t going to get a single fucking word out of me.

When I try to throw his hand off me, he just laughs harder and brings it to my thigh, giving it a good squeeze. “Don’t act shy now, honey. I heard what a little whore you are. Don’t worry, once we get back to the house, I’m going to take real good care of you.”
