Page 69 of Paved in Blood

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Nothing. Not a sound. And that’s when my heart starts racing and the fear sets in. I open the door, and for a second I think my eyes are playing tricks on me because the bathroom is fucking empty. How the fuck is that possible? I open the first stall door and then the second, and I’m just about to lose my goddamn shit when I notice a door on the other side of the last stall. It was hidden before. The only way to see it is to walk past the last stall. I just assumed there was nothing there but a brick wall, but when I open the door, it leads into the dressing room for the dancers.

“Hey!” one of them shouts when I bust through searching for Emily.

“Did someone come through here?” I ask. “A woman, blonde hair, red dress, did you see her?”

She’s scared of me, I can see it in her eyes, but she gives a shaky nod and then points off to the left. “She went that way.”

I go around her, weaving through the women and their cluttered benches of makeup and costumes. I’m almost to the door when Brandy walks in. She sees me and gives a big smile, but there’s something in her eyes that I don’t like. She’s looking at me with the usual predatory glint she always has, but beneath that is something else, almost like a brief glimpse of fear. My instincts are never wrong, and they’ve saved my ass on more than one occasion. I’m not about to start doubting them now.

Grabbing Brandy’s arm, I push her up against the wall. “What the fuck did you do?”

“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she yells, trying to get away. I grip her harder and pull out my cell phone. Vitaly answers on the first ring. The music from the club is blaring from both our ends, but he can still hear me when I tell him what happened and where I am. In less than a minute, he and Lev are barging into the dressing room. They run past, both of them searching for Emily, but when they come back empty-handed, I give my rage full permission to come out and play.

“We called Danil. They’re searching around the building,” Lev says as I haul Brandy out of the dressing room.

David must’ve been with my brothers because he’s standing in the hall when we emerge. He sees the way I’m gripping Brandy’s arm and starts to say something, but I cut him off.

“Open your office now.”

He hears my tone and wisely opens the door for me. I sit Brandy in a chair and stand in front of her.

“What did you do?”

Brandy tries her best to look innocent. “What do you mean? I didn’t do anything.” She turns to David. “I swear. I have no idea what he’s talking about.”

“The girl who’s always with me,” I growl at her. “Where is she?”

She shrugs her shoulders and then sits back, keeping her huge tits on full display. “I don’t know. Maybe she just left.” She smiles and spreads her thighs. “We can have fun without her.” When she sees the look on my face, she quickly says, “Just give me a chance. I can be a better pet than her.”

I look to my brothers and say in Russian. “Don’t let her scream.”

Lev nods and clamps a hand over her mouth from behind as I pull my knife out.

“Hey, now wait a fucking minute,” David says.

“Remind David what we agreed on last night, Vitaly.”

Vitaly smiles and looks at David. “If anyone touches his pet, then he has your permission to do whatever he feels is necessary. I believe those were the words you used. Close enough anyway. The meaning is pretty damn clear.”

I put the knife to Brandy’s throat. “If you scream, I will fucking kill you. Do you understand me?”

She lets out a muffled “mm-hmm,” and when Lev moves his hand, she sucks in a quick, shaky breath.

“Where is she?”

Tears come to her eyes, but I don’t give a fuck if she’s crying or scared or hurt. All I care about is getting Emily back.

“Use your tongue, or I will cut it out,” I warn her.

“I just wanted her gone, okay?” She starts crying, but still keeps talking. “I gave her to Frank.”

“You did what?” David yells.

“Who the fuck is Frank?” I ask, feeling my sanity slowly unravel with each passing second. It’s about to get very bloody in here very fast.

“He transports girls from one place to the next. He brought the batch in tonight.” He turns to Emily. “He wouldn’t have just taken her. What the hell did you do?”

Brandy starts hiccuping and crying harder. She turns her big eyes up at me, and if she’s expecting any sympathy from me, she’s in for a big shock. I fist her hair and pull her head back hard enough to hurt. Pressing the knife against her skin so she can feel the bite of it, I say, “Better talk fast, Brandy. I’m quickly running out of patience.”
