Page 6 of Paved in Blood

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“How long has your Bratva been running this part of the city?” I hate calling them a Bratva because it’s clear they haven’t earned the title. The rumors we’ve heard about them have obviously been greatly exaggerated, but I can’t afford to piss them off too much just yet. We still need to use them for all they’re worth first.

“Six years,” Oleg says.

“And no one’s tried to take it over?” Lev asks.

“No.” I can hear the proud tone in Oleg’s voice, but he’s about to be taken down a notch.

“That’s clue number one that you’re doing something wrong,” I tell him.

“What do you mean?” he asks.

“If no one is trying to take you out, then that means you’re not a threat, and if you’re not a threat, then you’re nothing.”

He studies me for a second, not looking quite as smug as he did just a second ago. It might help his ego if I tell him that we’re about to take him out, but I don’t want to spoil the surprise, so instead I say, “We can help you build things up.” I look around at the gaudy nightmare. “We can make this into something that will bring in real money.”

“This club does bring in good money,” Oleg says, getting a bit defensive.

“I’m sure it does, but we can take it to another level.” I let out a soft laugh. “For example, you named it The Pink Kitty, now that’s a name that can get a guy into a lot of trouble if his wife finds out about it. How about just calling the place Pink instead? It still immediately makes a guy think of tits or pussy, but it’s not quite so obvious. It could just be a nightclub or a trendy restaurant. Pink is a club that businessmen can stop in after work and have a drink at, maybe discuss work shit, hell, they could even do a lunch here and write it off as a business expense. You’ll get more money if you tone things down a bit.”

Oleg sits back, thinking about what I’ve said. “You really think rich businessmen are going to come in here for lunch?”

“I can guarantee they will,” Vitaly says. “This place just needs a rebranding. We need to show the city that it’s a classy, upscale place and not the kind of place where men are going to get crabs from a lap dance.”

“Hey,” Trixie says, smacking his shoulder lightly. “I don’t have crabs.”

“Sure you don’t,” he says, but even I can hear the doubt in his voice. These women are clearly fucking the clientele and the owners, so the chances are very high that there are some diseases being passed around. Vitaly may fuck a lot of women, but he’s not an idiot.

Keeping my voice as neutral as I can make it, I ask, “Are you forcing the dancers to fuck the customers, or are they doing it by choice?”

Oleg studies me for a second and then lets out a soft laugh. “You don’t miss much, do you?”

“No, I do not,” I say, waiting for his answer.

He lazily strokes the thigh of the girl on his right. “My girls can fuck if they want, but they don’t have to. I get a cut of any extra money they make.”

“Do you make them get tested regularly?”

“No, that’s up to them,” Oleg says

I’ve been watching the women around us, and not a single one of them seems scared or intimidated. They’re not acting like abused, timid women. Aside from the one who touched Matvey, none of them look even the slightest bit put out.

“We could go to a back room if you want,” I hear Trixie whisper to Vitaly.

He laughs and scoots her off his lap. “No, thanks.”

Trixie pouts but perks back up when she sees a group of men enter the VIP area and take a table in front. She’s off without a backward glance.

“She forgot about you fast enough,” Lev teases him in Russian, but then realizes this isn’t a competition he wants to win, so he lifts the girl that’s currently grinding in his lap up and gives her a scoot in the direction of Trixie. “Why don’t you go join your friend? We’ve got business to talk.”

Lev ignores the pissed-off look she gives him, and once she’s left, Oleg takes the hint and sends the other women away.

Wanting to get this over with, I lean forward and say, “We ran things like this back in Moscow, and we can make you a lot of money. Are we doing this or not?”

Oleg doesn’t even bother looking at his brothers before he nods. “How exactly would this work?”

“I want Vitaly in charge. We’ll front the money to make some changes and to work on rebranding. There needs to be a nurse on the payroll who will come in weekly to get the girls tested and to make sure they’re on birth control. This place has to have a pristine reputation. That will take time to build, but we can make it happen. We’ll also be hiring a lot of new dancers.”

“We also need to bump up security,” Danil says. “We need cameras and bouncers with actual training, and if anyone says they want to speak with the boss, they get frisked, not just lead in without any questions.”
