Page 5 of Paved in Blood

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That’ll be the fucking day. I bow down to no one and neither do the men standing next to me. When we continue staring at him, he finally lets out a forced laugh and gestures to the half-circle couch in front of the seat he and the two women are on.

We all keep standing while I ask, “Where are your brothers?”

He looks at me and scrunches up his brow. “I don’t speak Russian.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Lev mutters.

I look at him. “He might not be telling the truth. Be careful what you say.”

That of course makes Lev look right at Oleg and smile while saying, “You’re a big ugly pussy, and we’re going to take over this whole fucking club and put a bullet in your head.”

I study Oleg’s face very carefully, and he’s either one hell of an actor, which I seriously doubt, or the man truly doesn’t speak a word of Russian.

Oleg smiles like an idiot and asks, “Do you guys speak English?”

I sigh and take a seat with the others. “Yes, we speak English.”

“Thank god,” Oleg laughs. “Our grandparents came from Russia, but none of us speak it.” He shrugs. “Didn’t really see the point in learning it.”

“Where are your brothers?” I ask in English this time.

Oleg lifts a hand and waves at two men in the corner who are currently getting lap dances.

“Great, now we get to do business with two guys sporting boners,” Danil says in Russian.

Vitaly laughs and winks at Trixie who’s made herself at home in his lap. “Three guys.”

“For fuck’s sake,” Lev groans. “Keep it in your fucking pants.”

“No promises,” Vitaly says with another laugh.

Alexei and Ivan stand up and walk over. Both share the same dark blond hair as their older brother, and unfortunately for them, they also share the same dumb look on their faces. These guys are in way over their heads.

Seeing the large group of men, several other topless women start making their way towards us. A redhead parks her ass in Lev’s lap, but Danil and I wave two brunettes away. They gives us pouty smiles, but that kind of shit doesn’t work on me, so I ignore them. A blonde with ridiculously huge fake tits makes the big mistake of coming up behind Matvey and running a hand along his chest. She lets out a squeal when he grips her wrist and throws her hand off him.

“Did I fucking say you could touch me?” he asks her.

“God, sorry. I didn’t know I had to ask,” she whines, rubbing her wrist, even though I know he didn’t hurt her, just bruised her pride.

“With me, you do,” he growls at her. “Now get the fuck away from me.”

“Goddamn,” Oleg says with a laugh. “What the fuck is your problem? You don’t like pussy?”

The shift is immediate. I feel my brothers tense around me, see the slight movement of hands sneaking towards guns, and feel the anger vibrating off them. This is seconds away from getting very ugly.

“The fuck you say to me?” Matvey growls out.

Oleg must sense how much trouble his ass is about to be in because he gives a soft laugh and says, “I’m just messing around. Maybe you’re just not into blondes.”

“Maybe I’m here to fucking talk business, jackass,” Matvey says.

Oleg looks like he’s about to say something, but Matvey cuts him off. “We’re here to talk business with you. It’s a courtesy we’re extending to you and your brothers, because you sure as fuck need our help. You know your bouncer didn’t even frisk us before he let us in to see you?”

“Why would he frisk you?” Ivan asks.

Sweet Jesus.

Vitaly whispers a “Wow” and lets out a laugh.
