Page 36 of Four Score

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A brief moment of panic passes in his green eyes, and I know he doesn’t have one. For some reason, that makes me happy. I blindsided him, but he wasn’t prepared for anyone else either.

“It’s okay, I do, they’re in my backpack. And I’m on the pill.” I got on the pill after I stopped breastfeeding Astria. Just in case.

I was wholly unprepared last time. I love our daughter, and I firmly believe things happen for a reason, but I also know that I’m not ready to bring another child into this world right now. Period.

“Good idea to double up.” Damien nods, and hops off the bed, grabbing up my backpack where I dropped it in the entryway.

He hands it to me, and I pull out the unopened box of condoms I picked up at the airport.

“Been there, done that,” I say as I open the box and hand him the foil packet.

“Got the toddler to show for it.” I laugh at his words as he raises an eyebrow and simultaneously rips open the packaging with his teeth, spitting the remnants of foil on the floor next to the bed in a move that should not be sexy, but…

My laughter is cut short as he begins to roll the condom onto the tip of his cock and up the full length of it in one motion. He grips the base of his cock, and I swear I see it throbbing between us. His muscles contract. His chest rises and falls. He’s an Adonis, and tonight, he’s all mine.

He kneels back between my thighs, rubbing the tip of his cock over my clit, moistening it.

“And in your fantasy Gia, how did it feel when I slid my cock inside of you? Was it like this?” He inches the tip inside of my opening and I feel myself stretching to accommodate him.

I grip the sheets on either side of the bed as he slowly inches his way in.

“Was it like this, baby? Tell me, Gia, is this what turns you on?” He asks again.

“Yes, but this is so much better. I want it all, Damien. All of you.” I lift my hips and he takes them in his hands. He pulls me to him, and I take him to the hilt. Fuckkkkkk.

His immediate satisfaction leaves his lips in a hiss.

“What do you want, Gia?” He asks, and I’m over the talking. Done.

“Fuck me, Damien.”

I’m no longer capable of speaking.

It’s all the permission he needs. His green eyes turn molten. His long hair flies wildly around his shoulders, and his muscles flex with each movement of his arms as he pulls me to him.

Sweat glistens on the hair on his chest, down the path of his abdominal muscles. He looks like a Greek God. I’ve never seen a man so beautiful, and yet so fucking feral.

“Gia, baby, you feel so damn good. I’ve thought about this moment so many times.” He grunts as he creates a punishing rhythm that quickly begins to build my orgasm for a third time. Every thrust feels better than the last.

The pressure continues to build low in my abdomen until I don’t know how much more I can take.

“Tell me you’ve always been mine, Gia. Say it.” He demands and I see the tight leash of control he’s still holding onto about to snap.

“I’m yours, Damien. Let it go. Take what you need from me.” His fingers dig into the skin on my thighs and hips as he holds my weight. He’s all consuming. There’s nothing slow or gentle about the way he thrusts into me, taking what I know he wants and giving me exactly what I need.

The sound of his skin slapping against mine echoes throughout the room, and quickly becomes the soundtrack to my impending orgasm.

He slams into me once, twice…

“Come for me Gia, come on my cock.” He slams home one final time, and I’m overtaken with pure sensation. His filthy demands push me over the edge. Everything about this is erotic, and sexy.

“Damien…oh my God…Damien,” I scream as my orgasm rips through my body and clenches around his cock. My muscles quiver with exhaustion from the overwhelming pleasure that this man has rung from my body in such a short span of time.

“Mine. You will always be fucking mine.” He roars and I feel him release inside of me. His muscles jerk rapidly with the intensity of his own orgasm. He repeats my name over and over again before he collapses into me. Gia.

I found her. Now I just have to give her a voice.

He rolls us both to the side so as to not crush me. Our breathing is labored as we watch each other in the dark.
