Page 35 of Four Score

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“You taste so fucking good, Gia. So sweet.” His words vibrate against my skin, and I nearly climb from the bed with the intensity of it.

“Oh my God, Damien. Oh my God, you’re going to kill me.” I wrap his long hair around my hand and tug until his eyes glance up to meet mine.

“I’ll bring you back from the dead just so I can make you come again, baby.” His tongue tracks from my clit to my opening with long, languid strokes. I arch my back off of the bed. It’s all too much.

He strokes me with his tongue through the aftershocks of my orgasm, until the electric shocks begin to lessen, and the pleasure begins to build in my core again.

Fuck. Me.

I rock my hips into his face, looking for more. More of his filthy mouth. More of his tongue. More of everything.

“Nuh uh, not until you tell me what it is that you want. What are your fantasies, Gia?” He slowly pulls back. He’s got to be fucking kidding me right now.

“You’re serious?” I ask incredulously. This is not the time for a conversation.

“Mhmm…” He hums, and the sensation of just barely touching my clit makes my eyes nearly roll back into my head. But then he stops. Nothing. He was serious.

So, now is not the time to tell him that I love him. Absolutely the fuck not.

“Damien, please,” I beg as I try to think of something, anything else.

“You first, give me something to work with, Gia.” He turns his head and bites down lightly on the inside of my thigh. This is torture.

Dear Lord, forgive me. I guess I’m headed to the confessional. If this man only knew the number of times, I’ve thought of him as I’ve touched myself over the last two years.

“I, um, well…sometimes when you work late after practice, and Astria is already asleep I sneak out into the living room.” I feel so awkward right now, but I continue, my need for more of his tongue spurring me forward. “I spread my legs wide on the couch and I imagine you walking in on me like that. I imagine that you’ll catch me, and then demand to finish me off.”

“You like it when I take charge?” He brushes his lips over my slit lightly, barely teasing me.

“In bed, yes.” I physically tremble beneath his touch as I speak.

“In this fantasy, do I ever eat your pussy?” He asks as he slowly spreads my lips with two fingers.

“Yes,” I answer breathlessly. There are so many versions of that damn fantasy I could make a Passionflix movie out of them all.

“Do I drag my tongue along your clit, like this?” The warmth of his tongue glides across my slit from top to bottom.

I make a noise at the back of my throat involuntarily.

“Gia?” He pulls back, waiting for my answer.

“Yes,” I answer. God, this feels so much better than anything I have ever imagined.

“How about like this?” His mouth descends upon me, eating me relentlessly. He sucks my clit into his mouth and I squeeze my eyes shut. I swear fireworks explode behind my eyelids.

“No, we aren’t doing that. Look at me, Gia. Watch me.” Using two fingers he slaps my clit, and a warm gush of my arousal coats my thighs. The relief is only temporary as he slides those fingers into my opening, and closes his mouth down on my clit again, sucking down the warm liquid.

He curls his fingers inside of me, managing to hit the exact right spot.

“Ahhhhhhh!” I cry out, screaming at the top of my lungs. My pussy clenches down around his fingers and my abdomen tightens as wave after wave of pleasure completely wrecks me. My pulse drums in my ears like a stampede of wild horses.

When I finally open my eyes, I see Damien between my legs. Wide smile. The dirty blonde facial hair coating his chin glistens with the remnants of my second orgasm of the night. Two. How? I don’t know, but I’m not complaining.

“So good, Gia. So, so good. What comes next?” He asks, and I almost hate to answer him. I don’t know how much more my body can take. That’s when I remember the condition.

If this is only one night, I want every single minute of it.

“Do you have a condom?” I ask, knowing I brought some with me if he didn’t. Good girls always come prepared, even when they’re preparing to do bad things.
