Page 42 of Devil You Know

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Chapter Nineteen


Iwatch Reid’s eyes as he watches me, and for the first time since meeting him, I see a brief flash of uncertainty. He’s always so sure of himself, so arrogant, and honestly that’s part of his charm. But the moment I ask him about the artillery he pulled off of his body and placed on the armoire next to the bed, I feel every muscle in his body turn rigid, and he falters.

No kidding, there are at least fifteen different weapons in this room at this moment. Not to mention some kind of bulletproof undershirt deal that I watched Reid pull over his head earlier and the combat boots that I’ve never seen him wear before tonight.

It’s interesting because honestly, I was partially joking about the Terminator reference, but as I watch him and the haze from my second mind-blowing orgasm of the evening clears my mind, the more curious I am. He hasn’t spoken yet, and that’s troubling enough in itself. He’s normally so quick to respond, but he stares at me and the skin between his eyebrows crinkles as he thinks. I watch the vein in his neck begin to pulse, and I know in that moment that he’s preparing to lie to me.

So instead of allowing him to lie, I change tactics.

“Reid, what are you doing out here?” I’m not angry. My body is sated, relaxed, but my mind is moving a thousand miles an hour as different scenarios continue to play out in my head.

I’m not scared of Reid. It’s like somewhere deep inside of me I know that he’s not going to hurt me. Actually, I feel safer here now that Reid is here than I have been since arriving earlier today.

His eyes shifted back into focus, this question is easier for him, this is a question he’s comfortable with. “I spoke with Laurel Chesire earlier. My father is a business associate of Sylvester Wilks, and the Chapman Group is handling the fire claim on this estate. At my father’s direction, I’ve taken the lead on the claim. She might have mentioned during our discussion that you were out here, as part of your contract on the renovations.” He paused, and I could tell that he was struggling to determine how much more he was going to tell me.

“I wanted to see you again, after that night in the elevator, hell, after that day I met you in the café.”

He huffed out a breath of pure frustration before he continued. “I fuck women, Holly. I don’t do relationships; I fuck them, and I discard them. I don’t think about them after the fact, I don’t crave them, and I sure as hell don’t dream about them. I know how that makes me sound, but it’s the truth. It’s just the way that I am; I don’t bother with excuses for it because I don’t have any.”

His eyes searched mine as he spoke, and I remained silent, wanting him to finish. “Something about you is different, and I’m intrigued by it. When Laurel told me you were here, I might have mentioned to my father that I would be willing to work remotely. My things are in the back of my SUV outside.” He paused, running his hand through his hair that was still damp with sweat.

“I don’t know what the hell just happened between us, but one time isn’t going to be enough for me.” He glanced down at his growing erection, and a giggle escaped my mouth. He’s ready to go again, and I’m game if he is, but first....

I know he’s being serious right now, but I couldn’t help the smile that continued to tug at my lips, “and the weapons, Reid? What’s the deal with the weapons?” I don’t care, whatever it is, I really don’t, I just need him to tell me the truth.

“I might have heard this place is haunted by a woman scorned. I know a hell of a lot about scorned women, and I know that they’re not to be taken lightly. So, I came prepared.” The lie slid off his tongue, and I decided to let it ride, for now. He thinks he’s so smooth, but I see it in the subtle shift of his blue eyes, and in the way that vein throbs in his neck when he isn’t being entirely truthful.

“I hate to break it to you, but you can’t kill someone that’s already dead.” I rolled my eyes as Reid placed the palm of his hand over my bare hip and the feeling made my chest tighten.

“But dammit if it doesn’t make you feel better, doesn’t it?” I do feel safer. However, I think that has more to do with Reid and less to do with his artillery; although I don’t think that right now is the time to mention that.

“I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about, I was never scared.” I leaned forward and crossed my arms over my chest, the action causing my breasts to push forward and Reid’s eyes to dilate as he watched me intently.

“Keep telling yourself that, princess.” A laugh escaped from deep within Reid’s chest and the sound was surprisingly warm, something about it was soothing to me. He’s always so…I don’t know…serious. I want to hear more of that sound, of his laughter. Somehow, I’m managing to break through the stoic walls that seem to constantly surround him. The more they fall, the more I want to see what else I can uncover behind them.

“So, you’re staying in the main house then?” I know he’s not, but I ask anyway because I want to gauge his reaction.

“And share a bed with old lady Anderson? I think not. No, I’m staying right here in this bed, snuggled up next to your perky ass in those boy shorts that drive me fucking insane.” His grip on my hip tightened as he yanked me back down onto the bed and pulled me on top of him very clearly, ready for round three.



My body involuntarily jerked forward, and my eyes chased imaginary demons in the night as I attempted to reorient myself with my surroundings and determine whether or not there was danger in my immediate vicinity or if my brain was just re-living the danger from my past.

My skin was hot, covered in a thin layer of sweat, and the room smelled like old cedar trees laced with something sweet. Sweet. I looked to my left, and instead of demons, I saw an angel; or a demon in a damn good disguise, the verdict is still out.

My eyes burned with the contacts I never took out last night as they adjusted to the darkness of the room, and I studied the woman that lay peacefully next to me.

Her body is cocooned into a small ball in the center of the bed, right next to me despite the warm temperature of the room. A thin, white sheet just barely covers her delectable ass, but the rest of her body is on display, and I take my time memorizing her.

I study the curvature of her spine and the way her delicate shoulders protrude outward as she hugs the pillow she’s sleeping with. I notice the small line of freckles that run over her nose for the first time and the way her top lip dips in just the smallest bit right in the center.

It is such a contrast, seeing her so calm and quiet, as opposed to the loud spitfire I battled all night. And boy did we battle.

I think it’s safe to say we both won. I lost count of the number of orgasms after number four. At some point we both collapsed from pure exhaustion, her ability to keep up with my stamina was astonishing. I’ve never been so satisfied in bed and yet left wanting more.
