Page 29 of Devil You Know

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Using my right foot, I kicked Holly’s legs apart just enough, and cursed her for not wearing a dress on a date like any other woman would. Of course, she would have on a pair of slacks, we have to do every damn thing the hard way. Slowly, I reached my free hand around to the front of her pants and pulled the fabric of the bow tied at her waist.

I watched her eyes in the mirror and felt her rushed breathing against my chest as I used my free hand to skim the skin just under her blouse at the waistline of her black editor pants.

“This, this is your punishment. I’m not going to draw this out. I won’t build you up. No, I’m going to make you come fast and hard. Then, when we’re done here, you can go back out and finish your sweet, innocent date for the evening knowing I’m the one that took this from you tonight. This orgasm is mine to take because you stole this opportunity from us.” I slid my hand just under the waistband of her slacks and teased the lace of her underwear as her body vibrated beneath my touch.

“Look me in the eyes and tell me to stop, Holly. One word. This is your chance.” I gave her an out, not because I wanted to but because consent is sexy. Sure, I get off on the fight, but I will be damned if I take something she doesn’t willingly want to give.

I watched her as the corner of her plump, red lip curved up into a dangerous smile and she dipped her hips in one swift motion over my rock-hard cock. “Take it. I dare you.”

This woman, does she realize what she’s doing to me? What she’s started?

My hand slipped under the lace of her panties as I slid one single finger over the smooth skin of her pussy, bare. Her skin felt like silk under the palm of my rough hand as I slid my finger into her fiery entrance. I denied every primal instinct of my body as her pussy tightened around the single digit of my finger, so wet…so tight.

My cock pulsed against the zipper of my pants painfully, and I couldn’t help but imagine what she might feel like wrapped around my length.

I pumped my finger inside of her slick velvet twice, until a low groan left her lips. She’s got about thirty seconds before she’s on the floor of this elevator with her legs spread open…I fought to maintain control.

Dammit, that can’t be what tonight is about. Tonight is about showing her what happens when she doesn’t play nice. Rewards aren’t for bad girls.

Wasting no time, I curled my finger inside of her so that I could massage the spot that I know will send her over the edge as she pressed further against me, looking for more, needing more. She pressed down into my palm fucking my finger as I continued to massage her g-spot.

“Say my name, Holly. Whose orgasm is this?” I grit my teeth as I spoke into her ear, a constant rhythm - slow and steady, not letting up on my assault.

“Fuck you.” She bit back; she’s fighting me.

“This pussy is mine, and you will say my name when you come. Only my name.” I pressed the palm of my hand against her clit as I curled my finger once more and she came apart beneath me, screaming my name over and over again. Her words were outside of her control as her orgasm racked her body, and I continued to pump my finger inside of her slick pussy, drawing out every last drop.

I pulled my hand back, saturated with the moisture from her body, from her orgasm, and brought my hand up in front of her mouth. “Taste yourself, Holly. Taste what happens when you don’t play by the rules.” Not wanting to give me the satisfaction of hearing her words again she opened her lips just enough for me to slide my finger inside of her mouth. Her tongue wrapped around my finger in defiance as her teeth nipped at my skin and it was nearly my undoing.

Needing a taste myself, I pulled my fingers from her mouth and abruptly turned her body around, pressing her back to the wall, and my lips to hers, forcing my tongue inside with no pretense.

Sweet, just like I thought, with a slight aftertaste of sour that only makes me want to come back for more. She took what I gave and pushed back even further, sucking my tongue into her mouth and biting my lip until I could taste my blood on her lips.

I wasn’t hungry earlier, but now I’m starved. I want to feast on her body, but tonight isn’t the night for that. Tonight is a lesson, and I feel like my student passed with flying colors as I swallowed down her soft moans and saved them for later.
