Page 28 of Devil You Know

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Chapter Twelve


“Wait, so you’re telling me that you are planning to move into a known haunted house, of your own accord, for the sole purpose of having the opportunity to work on the restoration process?” Duke stared at me as if I’d grown an additional head, thoroughly engrossed in our conversation.

Til did good. Duke checks off all the boxes, he is perfect on paper. If we’d met even two months ago, I might have been more willing to overlook the lack of butterflies. Hell, I may not have even noticed what was lacking. But now that I’ve been close enough to the fire to feel the heat, there’s something inside of me that’s just not willing to settle for lukewarm.

“I won’t be merely working on the restoration process, it’s mine. The entire project is mine to oversee and will be added to the LGM Décor and Renovations portfolio as a centerpiece for years to come. The only stipulation was that I move into the guest house that is located on the property next week for the duration of the renovations.” Duke leaned back in his chair, having finished his filet and crossed his arms over his chest as he continued to stare at me, not believing my willingness to move into Anderson House, and obviously not understanding the extent of this opportunity.

“What, like you really believe in ghosts? Sure, the story is a little creepy, but come on, I don’t believe for a second that there are legitimate spirits haunting that place. Nor do I believe they are a danger to my well-being.” Or at least that is what I’m going to continue to tell myself, because if I choose to dwell on the morbid portion of the past of the plantation house, I might talk myself out of one of the biggest opportunities of my career.

“Next week. Wow, that’s soon. I guess if I’m going to ask you out again, I need to act fast, assuming you survive your encounters with the ghostly spirits of the plantation.” His voice took on a spooky tenor as he did his best to imitate a ghost. His smile kicked up into a boyish grin as he watched me expectantly, and for a brief moment I considered what it might be like to date someone like Duke. He’s genuine, kind, and he seems to be very interested in me.

But those thoughts were short lived as I felt my spine snap straight in the chair on its own accord, and for the first time tonight, I felt goosebumps as they rose up my neck and spread down my arms. I broke eye contact with Duke as my eyes searched the aisle to my left, unsure of what I was even looking for.

I knew the moment his long, muscular legs strode past our table, my eyes tracked dark brown leather loafers, up a fitted pair of gray slacks that sat low on his hips, and over a black button down that fit snugly over broad shoulders. He didn’t even so much as glance at me as he walked directly by our table and into an open doorway to the rear of the restaurant.

“Everything alright?” Duke questioned as he recognized my sudden change in demeanor, and I couldn’t blame him, my infatuation with the stranger that passed our table was completely noticeable. I felt as though all of the oxygen had suddenly been sucked from the dining room. Heat flamed my face, and a swarm of butterflies took flight in the pit of my stomach.

“Yes. Actually, if you’ll excuse me for just a moment, I need to locate the ummm…powder room.” I racked my brain for terminology that I’m sure my mother would be proud of as I came up with an excuse to escape for a moment and find out what kind of game Reid was playing.

Why is he here? How did he find me?

Scooting my chair back, I stepped away from the table and followed the scent of leather and fresh cut cedar through the same doorway at the back of the restaurant I watched Reid disappear behind moments ago.

As soon as I crossed the threshold I was yanked from my feet. A large, calloused hand folded over my lips to cover the screams that should be ripping from my chest, but they never came. A strong arm wrapped tightly around my waist, carrying me as if I weighed nothing so that my feet didn’t even touch the floor.

I should be scared, terrified even. But as I kicked my legs out and threw my elbow backwards to fight against my captor, I wasn’t afraid. I clawed at the skin on his wrist and bit the inside of his palm as he carried me around a corner and to a private bank of elevators where he pressed a button and the doors slid open until he pulled us both inside. I watched the doors shut behind us as I took in my wild expression in the reflection in the mirrored wall. He didn’t give the elevator a second to move before he pulled the emergency stop switch, essentially trapping us inside.

Leaning into my ear, he didn’t release me, as he spoke in a low growl. “I asked you princess. I asked nicely, but I guess you don’t want to play nice.” He slid his hand from my mouth and used it to grab my wrists and pull them behind my back as he pushed my breasts against the mirrored wall of the elevator. I watched his eyes, they held no evil, no malice, only hunger. This is his game, and heat pooled low in my belly as I made the decision to get on board and play along, even if just for a moment.

“Dammit, Reid, I’m on a date. What are you doing here? I told you to fuck off, now let me go so I can get back to my dinner.” I bucked my hips backward as he pressed his body flush to mine, and I could feel his hard length like steel pressed up against my spine.

“That man? I can assure you, he’s not the man you think he is. He can’t give you what you want, princess. What we both know that you’re craving. You see, you’ve been a bad girl, and bad girls don’t get fairytales and white knights in shining armor. You don’t want that shit anyway, do you Holly?” His voice was like rough sandpaper, and his words only threw fuel on the fire that burned inside of me.

“I can’t stay. Contrary to what you so obviously believe, I was actually having a good time out there tonight, and I have no intentions of abandoning Duke.” The words I spoke were true, even if they weren’t the words Reid was looking for. Now is not the time for this, even if my body seems to think otherwise as my hips continue to grind backwards into Reid without my consent.

My eyes locked onto his in the mirror as he bent down toward my neck and his lips skimmed my ear. I could smell the faint hint of whiskey on his breath as it feathered over my neck. “Do not ever speak another man’s name when we’re together.” He spoke just before his lips descended on the sensitive skin behind my ear, his tongue searing my skin as my knees threatened to give way beneath me.



I left every rational thought I had back in that dining room the moment my eyes locked on to Special Agent fucking Bennett as he sipped a glass of wine and smiled at Holly from across the table.

This is my case. Mine.

The Director will hear about this tomorrow morning. Bennett should be nowhere near Holly Adkins, let alone sharing a meal with her over candlelight at a five-star restaurant.

My hand wrapped around Holly’s delicate wrists at her back as I pressed her breasts up against the mirror of the elevator wall and watched as they spilled over the top of her white blouse. I marked her neck and collarbone with my lips, my tongue, and my teeth as I tasted her for the first time. Sweet, so sweet. She tastes like vanilla with a hint of strawberries. She’s such a contradiction.

Her skin is on fire, and maybe she’s a little pissed at the lack of finesse in my approach, but her hips continue to rock back into my hard length as it threatens the confines of my slacks, at a steady rhythm that tells me she’s not opposed to the struggle.

And I shouldn’t.

We shouldn’t.

What we are doing right this moment goes against everything I’ve been taught and trained to do, but fuck Bennett. He can sit his ass right on down at that table and wait because he’s not touching what’s mine.
