Page 99 of Perfectly Imperfect

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“He bought his mom stuff for Mother’s Day,” Marcus said with a proud smile.

“Damn right, he did. He wouldn’t even let me pay a fucking cent.” And then Daemon didn’t even hesitate to slip his hand into his wallet and pull out two one-dollar bills and then he held them out for Crew.

Which he took immediately with a smile.

I dropped to my knees in front of him and asked, “So, what are you going to do with this loot?”

He looked at Daemon, and then back at me, leaned in, and asked, “Can we talk somewhere private?”

I nodded immediately and then scooped him up in my arms and then headed for the back deck, and had to shake my head when Daemon started to follow us.

I caught a look of hurt on his face, then I winked at him to reassure him that it wasn’t anything bad.

“Okay, booger butt. What did you want to talk to me about?”

“We’re a family? Right?”

I nodded at him. “Yes, baby. We are.”

“And when y’all got married, and he adopted me, he became my dad, right?”

I wished I knew where he was going with his line of questioning. But sadly, I didn’t.

“Yes, booger butt.” Where was he going with this?

He bit his bottom lip, and I hated the look of indecision on his face.

But I didn’t push my boy.

I knew I didn’t need to.

“Do you think my birth daddy would get upset if I used this money to buy Dad things for Father’s Day?”

I couldn’t even begin to describe the amount of pride I felt in my chest at this amazing little boy.

He had the biggest heart of anyone I knew.

You would think I would be cursing that son of a bitch for what he did to me. But in all actuality, sometimes, I simply wanted to thank him. And thanks to therapy, after Crew was born, I know that it was okay.

Because even though he had committed a great sin, he gave me the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me.

Realizing I hadn’t answered him yet, judging by the worry on his little face, I smiled, then placed my hands on either side of his face.

“Have I told you how proud I am to call you my son? How proud I am every single day of the man I know you are going to grow up to be?”

He nodded, “So… it’s okay. Right?”

“Yes, baby. I think he will love that. And no, honey. I think the man above saw how things were going to play out, and knowing that, before he made me and your birth dad, he created Daemon. He instilled everything in that man he would ever need to be the best. And he put everything in him so he could be everything we needed. He was meant to be your daddy.”

That was when he nodded and then headed for the door, but not before he doubled back, pressed a sweet little kiss on my cheek, then said, “I’m so proud that you’re my mommy. I love you.”

“I love you too, booger butt. More than any heart could ever love someone.”

I sat there on my haunches as I watched my little boy open the door and then run into the house and he headed straight for Daemon.

Seeing he was okay, I stood up, then looked out at the mountains that lined the house.

I stayed like that, and then heard the back door open, hoping it wasn’t Daemon because I didn’t want to tell him about his surprise. I smiled when I saw that Marcus had walked out.
