Page 98 of Perfectly Imperfect

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Over the past couple of weeks, we had found a rhythm that worked for us, and we had moved. We now lived in a three-bedroom, three-and-a-half bath with a big backyard in a gated community, and Marcus had bought the house beside ours. William and Melanie were now living in a little house they found four streets over.

Thankfully, in Los Angeles, there was a great graphic design program, and all my credits transferred over. I still had two years left of college.

The swear jar, by the way, had been emptied. Twice, but I didn’t know that Crew had talked to Daemon about what he wanted to use part of the money for. And yes, it made the move to our house.

Two weeks later, I was sitting on the couch working on a project for my art class that was due on Monday when Daemon and Crew came into the house.

I looked up at them and smiled, and then smiled even wider, when I saw a big bouquet of flowers in Crew’s little hand, and a big bag in the other hand, “Hey, booger butt, what do you have there?”

Crew said, “Happy Mother’s Day, Mommy.”

Daemon smiled and said, “He took the money from the swear jar and bought everything. He wouldn’t let me pay a freaking penny.”

Tears immediately assaulted my eyes.

I wrapped Crew in a hug and then pulled him to me and whispered, “There’s no other mother in the world that’s as lucky as I am today.”

Marcus had come over later that night and asked Crew, “So, what did you buy with all the money that went into that jar?”

That was when he pointed at the flowers that were now on the coffee table, and I told him about the box of chocolates, the picture of the four of us, and the gift card to Sephora, as well as the gift card for the Zon so I could buy as many books as I wanted.

“You did damn good with him,” Marcus said in my ear as we watched Crew and Daemon toss around a football.


“Lil Mama,” Marcus told me as he leaned down and pressed a kiss atop my head as he walked into the house for a summer blowout party before training camp started and to celebrate Crew’s fifth birthday next week.

“You’re fucking lucky I consider you family,” Daemon growled as he came up to my back, wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me tight into his body.

“Hey,” Davis snapped. “I did that last week after she made us all dinner and you rammed your shoulder into mine.”

Daemon rested his chin atop my head, and then said, “Because you’re a whore. I don’t know where your lips have been.”

Davis’s mouth gaped like a fish, “What about Marcus?”

Daemon shrugged then, “He’s her twin. So, it doesn’t bother me.”

“Twins? What’s this about?” Melanie asked as she was followed by William and Lily. They had missed what Marcus had declared in the hospital that horrible day.

“At the hospital, Marcus told them he was her twin when the doctor looked at him weirdly.” Daemon told them.

“Ahh, well that doctor is an idiot,” Melanie nodded.

Crew looked at Melanie and asked, “Nonnie?”

Melanie looked at him immediately and smiled, “Yes, my little grasshopper.”

“Isn’t idiot a bad word?” He asked innocently.

And every man in the room chuckled.

Melanie forgot about the jar, and I knew she did when she smiled and then nodded, “Yes, honey. It is. And I shouldn’t have said it.”

Then, Crew reached up, grabbed the swear jar, and took it to her. “One dollar for the swear jar.”

“You’re lucky. He already collected last week’s.” Finch said with a smile on his face.

Culpepper asked, “So what did you do with it?”
