Page 49 of Perfectly Imperfect

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Damn. But this woman said she was mine.

I wanted to pinch myself.

Thank god we were going to my parents and then back home.

Then I looked down at Crew, then at myself, and gave him a fist bump, “Looking sharp, buddy.”

He sniffed then and smiled, “So do you.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Y’all ready?” At her nod she held up one finger, then I bent down and picked Crew up and settled him on my hip.

“You have a good day?”

He nodded, “Yeah, we learned about how the environment helps everything.”

“Yeah, tell me more about that?”

Then he proceeded to explain to me how the rain helps the planet. And how the planet helps us.

It was cute as fuck.

When Aliyah returned, she was holding a bottle of wine and a bouquet of flowers. “Sweetheart, you didn’t have to do any of that.”

She looked at me, “I have to make a good impression. I’ve never met a boy’s parents before. I want them to like me.”

“Why?” I asked her with a raised brow.

She bit her bottom lip then and said so quietly, “Because if they don’t, then you won't.”

I placed my hand on the side of her face and looked down into her eyes, making sure she could not only hear but could see the sincerity written clearly in my eyes, “Sweetheart if you haven’t already picked up on it, there’s not a goddamned thing you can do that would ever make me not like you. Not a thing. So, get that thought out of your head. Okay?”

She sighed, then nodded.

With her hand in mine and Crew on my hip, after she locked up, I led them out of the apartment and we put his booster seat in my truck.

And to say the boy was happy as a clam would be an understatement.

It was half an hour later when we pulled up in the drive, the radio was on good music, and her hand was in mine the entire time.

Once I had it in park, I turned to her and said, “You can trust this family. I learned to trust them too. And the man is the Chief of Police here.”

That was when she looked over at Crew, then smiled at me, and nodded.

After I helped Crew out of his booster seat, we rounded the truck and helped Aliyah down.

When she reached in to get the bottle of wine and flowers, I glared at her, took them from her, then placed my hand on her lower back as she grabbed Crew’s hand, then I led them to the steps.

But, before I knocked on the door, I turned to her and said words that showed me they meant everything to her, and I meant every word, “Sweetheart, if you don’t trust them, then tell me, and I will find someone else. You are Crew are the most important people in my life, okay?”

I saw a tear slide down her cheek, and before I could use my thumb to brush it again, she grabbed a hold of my shirt and pulled my mouth down, and then she kissed me long and deep.

It wasn’t until I moaned in her mouth that she pulled her’s away, but slightly, though not before she whispered, “Thank you.”

I winked at her, then looked down at Crew and said, “If a girl doesn’t do that to you, she doesn’t deserve you.”

“Daemon, don’t teach him that,” she snapped at me.
