Page 40 of Perfectly Imperfect

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And you know what?

Seeing her smile.

It was fucking worth it.

It was even more worth it when two weeks later she had three prints on her wall of Crew and me with him up on my shoulders.

If you didn’t know it, you would think he was mine by blood.

Because in the first shot, we were both heads down.

Second shot, we were both smiling.

And the third, we were both glaring over her head at some fucker that thought it was okay to stop walking and stare at her ass in her jean shorts.

Until the day I die, I’ll never forget the words that fell from our mouths:

“Hey Fucker,” Me.

“Yo, guy that needs a belt,” Crew.

“You want to keep on breathing?” Me.

“That’s my mommy. Show some respect.” Crew.

“If so, then get your eyes off my woman’s ass.” Me.

No, she wasn’t my woman yet, but I saw that she was. And that was all that mattered to me.

I just had to have that conversation with her.

And I planned on doing that and fucking soon.

Chapter 9


With Crew bouncing on his feet at my side, I smiled down at him and then knocked on the door.

A man answered it and said, rather rudely, “Yeah?”

“Hey, we’re here to see Daemon,” I told him.

The guy shook his head, “He’s not to be disturbed.”

And then, without another word, he slammed the door in our faces.

“Mommy, didn’t you just talk to Daemon?” Crew asked.

I nodded, bit my lip, and then pulled my phone out and called him. He answered on the first ring, “Hey, are y’all on your way?”

“Umm about that. We’re already here. But some guy answered the door, and when I told him we were here to see you, he slammed the door in our face.”

“What. The. Fuck!” He bellowed so loud I had to pull the phone from my ear.

“Sorry, baby. I’ll be right down,” I heard him and then he ended the call.

Then, in a few seconds, he was there, opening the door.
