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“I didn’t do anything,” I said tiredly.

He lost that smile, then shook his head, “Yeah, you did, son.”

I breathed in, and then asked, “So, what’s the damage?”

“Hang on,” the woman said.

She slowly and carefully moved Lily’s head off her lap and then stood up, and walked over to the table that was to the left of the hospital bed. Then she poured something that I hoped was water into a white Styrofoam cup.

“Here, drink some of this, I can tell your throat is hurting.” After she held the straw just so, I was able to get some much-needed water down my throat.

After I drank what I could, I released the straw and nodded my thanks to her.

She winked and then moved the tray out of the way, pulled a chair up, and then sat down in it and took my hand in hers.

And I was shocked.

Her skin was soft.

And that was the first time I had ever felt a soft touch on my skin.

It made it crawl, and I hated that, but I didn’t dare pull away.

At the man’s voice, I turned my head to look at him. “Now, who were they?”

“The woman was my mother. The man… well… that’s her pimp. And mine.” I didn’t realize that I had said the last two words.

Not until I felt a blaze of fury rolling off the man at my side.

He growled out his response, “I’ll get them. Don’t you worry about that.”

And you want to know something, I believed him.

Therefore, I gave him the name, “His name is Carl Jebens.”

He nodded, pulled out his phone, and did something.

I waited for him to be done, then I asked him, “So, what’s my damage?”

“I believe I can answer that,” a woman in a white coat answered me.

I nodded.

She used some hand sanitizer that was up near the door.

“You have cuts and contusions all over your body. You have bruised kidneys. A ruptured spleen, and five broken ribs. One of the ribs punctured your lung. So, when you cough you need to have a pillow against your chest, it will help with some of the pain. Your right arm is also broken in three places. That will heal over the next six to eight weeks. Other than that, you’re going to be just fine.”

I nodded, then something occurred to me. I looked at the big man, “What are your names?”

He smiled at me, “My name is William Campbell. My wife is Melanie, and you already know Lily.”

I nodded, tiredly. Melanie saw that and then she whispered, “Rest, sweetheart. One of us will always be here until you are released.”

I closed my eyes and then muttered, “Why? I’m just a trailer trash kid that no one gave a fuck about. Why would you still be here?”

William growled, “I’ll tell you why. I don’t see a trailer trash kid. What I see is a boy that’s willing to die for someone they don’t know, well, he’s all right in my book. And I know he’s going to grow up and be a man I would be honored to know.”

What I didn’t know was that Melanie smiled and then pressed the morphine pump.
