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And wasn’t that something? A nine-year-old boy, able to have zero emotion in his tone.

“Get him under control,” the man growled.

“What do you expect me to do? He’s a shithead. He ruined my figure and everything.”

“Then you should’ve drowned him when he was a baby,” the man snapped.

“Oh, believe me, I thought about it. But his father wouldn’t have paid me what he did to keep him,” she snapped.

Her words ran through my head. My father? What was she talking about? Supposedly, my father didn’t want me because I was a sniveling ass wipe. Her words.

But before I could even try to ask what she was talking about, that was when we heard a booming shout, “Police!”

My mom whispered, “Fuck.”

“This ain’t over, boy,” the man said as he pointed his finger at me.

My mom… no… the woman that I was unlucky of coming out of her vagina sneered at me.

Then the two of them took off.

Even though I felt that it was safe to do so, I didn’t let go of whatever strength I had found to keep myself upright.

“Lily!” I heard shouted.

“Daddy!” the girl at my back called out.

“How’d… they know… you were here?” I asked her and didn’t see the uniformed cops that were filling the doorway.

My brain wasn’t firing on all its cylinders. Not when I was in this much pain.

“He has a tracker on me because of who he is.” I nodded.

“You’re safe?” I asked her.

She nodded back, then whispered, “Yes.”

And then and only then, when I let my body slump to the ground, did I pass out.

What I didn’t know was that the big man had vowed then and there to do anything he could for me. It was already set in stone when he saw my beaten and battered body protecting Lily. But it was even more so when he heard me ask her if she was safe, and at her answering comment, did I let the pain take me.


When I came to in the hospital room, it took me a few minutes to get my bearings, but I managed it.

My voice came out in a croak, “Lily?”

A man’s voice answered me, “She’s right here, son. She’s okay.”

Slowly, I turned my head and squinted. He smiled at me and then pointed to where a woman held onto a sleeping Lily.

The woman who looked like Lily smiled at me.

I squinted through a barely opened lid, but I saw that blonde hair on her head, and thankfully, didn’t see any other marks on her except for that one bruise on her face.

But I had to be sure, I slowly turned my head to the big man and asked, “They didn’t hurt her?”

He was still smiling, and shook his head, “No. And that’s thanks to you.”
