Page 38 of Perfectly Imperfect

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“You my Daemon’s best friend?” Crew asked.

Marcus nodded, “Yeah, and he’s mine.”

“Is it okay to have another best friend?”

I looked at Aliyah to see if she knew where he was going with this, but she looked just as confused.

And Marcus, not missing a beat he nodded at him.

“Okay, then you’re my best friend too.” And according to Crew, no more needed to be said.

Crew was giggling as Marcus teased him about how his curls would match his if he let his hair grow out as we walked out and waited for Aliyah to lock the door.

Once we made it outside, I led Crew over to my truck so Marcus and I could toss our socks, and then I grabbed a black ball cap, knelt down, and fixed it to his head to look like mine.

Then I reached into my back seat for a bottle of cologne, then I sprayed it on his shirt.

“Now, you’re my mini-me. We good?” I asked him.

He smiled, wide, and then took my hand and led me back over to his mama after I locked the truck up.

Once we made it back over to where Aliyah was standing, Crew asked, “Do your boys look good, Mommy?”

She had the softest smile on her face and I had the honor of knowing I put it there. She nodded, then she said, “I’m going to be growling all night at other women looking at my boys.”

“Don’t worry, Mommy. You’re ours,” Crew said with a nod of his head.

I looked down at him and said, “Besides, a man isn’t a man at all if he looks at other women when he has one with him.”

And then, like that, we were off.

Thankfully, the place we were going to was within easy walking distance from her place.

As we walked, I noticed women staring and a few men did as well, but none of us lost our stride.

As we made it to the arcade, I moved to open the door before Aliyah could by placing my hand on her hip, “Sweetheart, with me, another thing. Not only do you not pay, but you never open your own door.”

She rolled her eyes, but I caught that smile she tried to hide.

We all filed in then, and headed to pick out a table.

“So, how are we doing this?” Marcus asked.

Aliyah obviously took in the size of the booth, “It’ll be easier if Daemon takes one side with either me or Crew, and Marcus does the same. That way, the two of you are comfortable.”

Marcus looked down at my woman, yeah, she was mine and nodded in thanks.

Crew looked up at Marcus and asked, “Will you open my straw for my soda?”

Marcus nodded, then Crew climbed into the booth and patted beside him for Marcus to have a seat.

I grinned, then held out my hand for Aliyah to slide in.

After we decided on what we all wanted, which was a meat lover for everyone, we ordered an extra-large from the waitress that really needed to be taught some manners.

I ordered the pizza as I helped Crew color in a part on the little paper that was sitting there.

“So, it starts,” I heard Aliyah mutter at my side.
