Page 36 of Perfectly Imperfect

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I looked over my shoulder at him and then said, “Pizza and the arcade.”

“Damn, that sounds like a blast. Mind if I come?” he asked.

I looked at him, and then my hand found its way into my pocket.

Unlocking my phone, I pulled it out, then called her.

She answered on the fourth ring, and sounded out of breath, “Hey.”

Why the fuck was she out of breath? “Hey, are you okay?”

She huffed, “Yes. I was about to call you. We are running late, I’m still not ready, and Crew wants to wear a certain shirt and we can’t find it.”

I nodded, “It’s okay, baby. I get it. You take your time. That place isn’t going anywhere.”

She sighed, “You’re right. Thank you.”

“Of course. But I was calling because one of the guys on my team wants to go too. Is that okay?” I asked her.

She was silent for a few minutes, and I wondered what she was thinking. But then that mama bear in her came out, and I caught my smile before it could be released.

“This friend better not hurt Crew. He better not be rude to him.” I wanted to smile, but I didn’t. Only the two of them got my smiles.

I nodded, then locked eyes with Marcus. “He won’t. I’ll kick his ass if he dares. Besides, he’s the same kid I told you about.”

Marcus’s eyes narrowed.

“Ahh. Got it. Okay, I can’t wait to meet him. By the time you get here, hopefully, we will be ready. Be careful.”

“Okay, baby. See you in a few.” I told her.

I looked at Marcus and pocketed my phone.

“She’s got a little boy. You will be polite to him. Watch your language. And be fucking respectful to her.”

All Marcus did was nod, “I got it, man. Is she the same one from the game?”

All I had to do was nod.

He got it.

We got in my truck and then drove over to Aliyah’s apartment.

After I parked beside her car, we climbed out and then headed up to her floor.

And it was fucking comical how many looks we got, but neither one of us gave a damn.

Once we got to their door, I knocked.

It took a minute for her to come to the door and that was okay.

Because when she opened it, seeing her face, I’d wait for however long I needed to.

But I knew I would be ripping someone a new asshole with her tanned legs on display in those fucking shorts she had on.

“Hey,” she smiled as she looked up at me.

“Hey baby,” I said and then I leaned down, pressed a kiss on her forehead, and walked inside.
