Page 103 of Perfectly Imperfect

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We found out that after Marcus had been hit yesterday at the game, the stupid Neanderthal didn’t tell anyone how badly he was hurt.

Apparently, a piece of his rib had broken off and punctured his lung, and it wasn’t until later in the night that he realized something was very wrong.

We were in the hospital room, waiting for him to wake up, his parents had just gotten here three hours ago, and I hesitated to ask what I did next, “Where’s Tonya?”

His mother snorted, “Probably out letting everything with a swinging dick inside of her.”

Tagging my phone, I called Tonya, Marcus’s wife, and I had to look at my phone to make sure I called her number because it wasn’t her voice that answered the phone. It was another guy.

“Yeah?” he answered.

I felt my temper start to flare, “Umm, yes, I’m looking for Tonya?”

“Stop that.” That was Tonya. For sure.

“You can wait to have your dick in my ass after I answer this call.” And yep, that was her again. I knew this because her voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

I wanted to puke in my mouth, “What the fuck?”

Silence greeted me, “Umm, hey Aliyah, how are you?”

“Bitch, don’t you dare try to act like I didn’t just hear that shit. What the fuck is going on?”

“Umm… well… you see…”

I didn’t let her finish, “You’re cheating on him, aren’t you? That’s why you wouldn’t let me come in the other day because he was there. Isn’t it?”

I heard her sigh, “Yes.”

“Got it. I’m sending someone over there. You will pack your shit. And get the fuck out of Marcus’s house, you trifling hoe. You mess with any of his stuff, and I will ruin you. Furthermore, you will sign the divorce papers. You won’t get a single fucking cent from him. I know all about the side business you have.” I heard her gasp. “Oh yes ma’am, I do. I will have it in his lawyer's hands before the end of business today. Marcus was fine with it, by the way, because it made you happy. What he’s not okay with is letting another man’s dick into his woman’s body. You have three hours to get fucking gone. Van is on his way.”

I snickered when she let out a yelp.

He gave me a nod and then walked out of the room.

I walked over to Marcus and then smiled down at him at the mirth I could see in his hazel eyes, “Next time you meet someone, you bring her to me and no one else.”

He nodded, “You got it, Lil Mama.”

“We love you, Mar-Mar,” Keeley said with a smile on her face.

Crew fist-bumped him and then said, “You better get to feeling better. I’m kicking your butt in a few weeks.”

Marcus smirked, “You can try.”

And then as we were leaving, I saw the cutest little nurse, but she stopped walking. She looked fucking terrified for some reason.

Ever since I got with Daemon, I never would’ve thought to do what I’m about to do.

“Hey, are you okay?” I asked her.

She looked up at me, and then at Marcus’s room, and then I saw her swallow. I felt my hackles rise. If this bitch was about to tell me something about his color, I was going to backhand her.

She shook her head, “I’m not supposed to be working on large men. I was attacked a few years ago. Anyway, the charge nurse knows that, but her favorite nurses are with other patients. She assigned me to him.”

I got it as soon as she said she was attacked. I knew what that was like. Boy, did I.

I smiled at her, “My name is Aliyah. What’s your name?”
