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And stationed at the doorway were members of my team, protecting us.

Giving them a grateful nod and seeing Frog glance at Raine and then at me, he slammed his fist over his heart and promised without words, he would make this right.

Only then did I let sleep pull me under.

One more day and she was home, and I deleted the number that always called me from my phone.

My team had gone to the higher-ups and had someone that was almost as good as I, replaced me.

Thank God.

Two weeks later as promised, I met Storm in the ring.

I let him get in three hits. For the three months, I was away from her, and then I didn’t hold back.

And Raine, well, she hadn’t appreciated it at all.

In fact, she left the clubhouse and locked the deadbolt to the house that I didn’t have a fucking key to.

So, I slept on the front porch.

Thankfully, it was a warm night and not fucking cold as shit.

And when I opened my eyes the next morning and discovered the blanket that was thrown over me, I couldn’t help but chuckle.

Chapter 17


Wanting to believe him with every fiber of my being, I held onto that line to my heart that was connected to his with a tight grasp. Needing to trust him fully.

And judging by the text I got after I turned my phone off silent as I sat down with my lunch in the cafeteria, I knew, I knew that he was trying. Well, it was the first try really, he had many more to go.

I smiled at the text that was on my screen, I couldn’t help it. Damn him.

Yes, he had gotten out, but he had also been asked to train someone new.

Someone that had reminded him of himself.

And with my persuasion, he went. Reluctantly, but he went.

I was still upset about everything that had happened.

But I couldn’t be too angry with him.

I understood why he left.

Even though it hurt at the time.

But we both vowed we would never forget about our peanut, and every day we visited where our little boy was buried. Yes, our little boy. I had broken down the following morning when Tank got home and told him about his son.

Tank – Made it here. Missing you.

Me – I’m glad you made it there. But I do wish you were here. Please stay safe. I’ll see you when you get home.

There. Simple. Sweet. But also protecting my heart.

And he knew me, inside and out, because of all my barriers, he had knocked them all down without even trying.
