Page 86 of Rise

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“Why?” She asked as tears still trailed down both of our cheeks.

Pulling away from her so she could see in my eyes, I wiped my tears away, and then wiped hers away and pressed a tentative kiss on her brow.

Then, I opened my mouth and told her exactly why, “One of my team members was captured, baby. You don’t know what they will do to Americans in war.”

“What took so long?” my home whispered with her eyes closed.

And me, not caring if anyone heard me, I said, “Every time we got close to where they were holding him, they moved him. After two months we found a mole within the organization. He’s been handled.”

She took a deep breath, and asked, “And your team member?”

“He’s okay. Got a messed-up arm but he’s still standing. Matter of fact he and the rest of my team came with me.”

She nodded, “I’m glad he’s okay. But when he gets better, he better prepare himself for me to give him a good kick in the balls.”

I nodded. But needed her to understand something, “If I would have ignored that call, he would have died there. Half the team was in another country. And without me, we would have had no chance in getting him out without us losing our lives right along with him. And if I would have left him to his fate, then I wouldn’t be the man that you fell in love with.”

Tears were in her eyes at my words.

I saw it.

Her gray eyes shimmered with tears.

The indecision in those deep orbs.

“I’m sorry I hurt you, baby. So, fucking sorry. But I couldn’t let him become a POW. I just fucking couldn’t.”

She closed her eyes then said, “I’m a freaking fool. One more chance Carter. One. You ever abandon me again and that’s it. I’ll walk away and forget we ever existed.”

“I promise Raine. Fucking promise, you.” I said as I pressed a kiss on her forehead, letting my lips linger there, needing her touch to soothe the guilt that was wracking my body.

I heard Storm say from the doorway, “Damn girl. You weren’t supposed to forgive him.”

I looked over my shoulder, and said, “I’ll give you me in the ring, and I won’t fight back.”

My spitfire’s body tightened when she said, “Like hell, you will.”

Her father grinned. “Two weeks. I’ll meet you there.”

Knowing what I needed and what she needed, I nodded at the space in the bed.

She smiled and then held out her hands, silently asking for my help in moving her.

Carefully, I helped her shift in the bed and then I laid down beside her, gathered her in my arms, and then softly, I whispered into her hair, “Tell me what you need baby.”

I heard her swallow and then she said, “Not to push me for another baby. I can’t go through that again.”

“Then we will remember our baby. I bet he or she had your eyes.” I told her.

That was when she whispered, “Peanut.”

Softly, I asked, “What?”

“I was calling him or her, Peanut.” I smiled at that; it was fitting.

“Peanut. Works for me, baby. And you got it.” And with that, my tired woman fell asleep against my chest.

Ten minutes after that, Storm walked in and stretched his legs out once he settled on the couch, followed by Lena, and they both fell asleep.
