Page 76 of Rise

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Squealing, with wet hands and all, I spun in his arms, and then wrapped him in a hug, and kissed him hard.

“Your home.” I breathed out.

“I’m home. I missed you. I love you.”

“I love you too. Oh, so very much.”

With another kiss that we both needed, he asked, “Go somewhere with me?”

I didn’t hesitate to nod as I looked down at the leggings I had on and the tank, then I looked up at him, “Do I need to change?”

He shook his head, smiled, giving me those dimples, I adored, “Nope. You’re perfect the way you are.”

Smiling, I pressed a kiss on his chest, dried off my hands, and then slipped my feet into some booties, and tagged a lightweight jacket.

He held my hand out the door after he locked it, and he held my hand all the way to the truck, only letting it go to round the truck and climb in, and then yes, he tagged my hand again.

I didn’t bother asking him where we were going.

It didn’t matter because I was with him.

Ten minutes later, I had to frown.

What were we doing at the clubhouse?

When I looked over at him to ask him, the butthead was already out of the truck and making his way over to me.

After he opened my door and helped me out, he pressed a finger to my lips, silently telling me to keep quiet and not to ask questions.

I was even more dumbfounded when he led me to the garage.

He stepped over to Gravel and then said something to him that I couldn’t hear.

I stood there, and watched as Gravel smiled, nodded, moved the bike, and then walked out of the garage.

Only then did Tank walk back to where I stood.

His gaze locked with mine and then he said, “Thunder booms and it scares the fuck out of me. Lightning strikes and it feels as though bombs are exploding. But your touch alone gets me through it. Calms me. Centers me. No matter the miles we’re apart. The hours. The days. I’m never too far from you.”

Tears gathered in my eyes as he spoke those words to me.

And when he got down on one knee, it felt as though my chest was about to explode.

“Raine, you're my heart. You’re everything to me. I told you about the promises I made when I was eight. And I fully intend to keep them. And this is the second to last one. Keeping my happiness secure. And the last one is to make you happy. It's what I live for. So, will you do the same in return? Keep me happy. Marry me, Gray. Give me the thing I need most in life.”

And then he opened that black box.

I couldn’t even see it because my tears were blurring my vision.

But I didn’t care. He could use a twist tie as an engagement ring, and my answer would never change.

Softly, my throat closing, I whispered, “Yes.”

The ring was on my finger, his arms were around me, spinning me with our lips connected.

I hadn’t realized that everyone was here.

Everyone that was important to us.
