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“You mean I get to go to sleep every night with you by my side and wake up the same way?”

When she nodded, I didn’t hesitate about what I wanted to do.

I buried my hands in her hair, hauled her close to me, and then kissed her.

When we first kissed, I thought I had tasted what heaven really tastes like, but that had nothing on her taste. On her essence.

Fucking hell, it was so goddamn intoxicating that my fucking head spun.

My welcome home dinner at the clubhouse they threw every time I came home had started without us.


Being away from her for three weeks wasn’t something I wanted to repeat.

And that thought had my gears spinning in my head.

So that was why two weeks later, another mission was done, and since it was time to either reenlist or retire, I made my decision.

However, it was one of the worst firefights of my life that helped confirm my thoughts.

The firefight continued, and we were able to take down the fifty or so gunmen that surrounded the cartel’s estate.

We breached the big house and the other smaller homes to make sure we cleared the area. Next, we made it to the big bedroom and found our target.

We were told to not let him leave the house. In other words, we weren’t taking him with us.

I drew up my rifle, the look in his eyes told me he knew what was coming.

I didn’t even blink when I fired the shot.

He had a hole between his eyes then he hit the ground.

One of the men checked his pulse and gave the cutthroat signal.

I radioed in, “Mission Complete.”

We all left the house and headed to the rendezvous point then we went to the airstrip and flew to headquarters.

That was my confirmed one hundred and seventh kill. It never seemed to faze me anymore. I guess because of that and my love for Raine were my reasons for wanting to get out.

I went to my commanding officer and told him I was done. He didn’t try to argue with me. He knew I was done. I served fifteen years, and I would’ve been a lifer; however, I now had a reason to want to be home.

After I got in my truck, the papers I needed settled in my passenger seat that was missing Raine.

Pulling my phone out, I checked to see if what I ordered was ready.

And seeing that it was, I pulled my truck out of the airstrip, and then headed in another direction.

Chapter 15


I was standing in front of the sink, rinsing out the dishes from lunch, music playing, my ass swaying when I felt it.

I jumped.

The feel of my home pressed into my back.
