Page 69 of Rise

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I couldn’t help but chuckle while Tank shook his head. “Least I don’t have to worry about killing him.”

I started laughing, I couldn’t help it. Because right as he said that our waitress appeared at our table, and all through ordering our drinks and food, she looked at me the entire time.

And then, without a look at anything else, she scurried off as if the hounds of hell were nipping at her heels.

Oh, I had seen her looking at him appreciatively as we were led through the restaurant and to our table.

“Looks like you don’t have to worry about the host, and I don’t have to worry about the waitress.” To that he winked.

When the waitress came by with our drinks, I could have sworn her hand shook as she placed his beer and a glass of water down in front of him, followed by my glass of Dr. Pepper.

He lifted his beer, and I did the same with my soda, then he said, “Here’s to our first official date. When I was eight, I made promises to myself. There’s one I never told you about. I promised that when I found something real, something good, I was going to hold onto that with every piece of me. And I fully intend to do so. I’ll worship at your feet. And I can’t wait for you to have my last name one day and for you to be pregnant with my child in your belly. I love you Raine. With my whole heart. Here’s to us.”

Smiling, I said, “Here’s to us. And you need to promise me that I get to name our daughter. You can name our son.”

“Deal,'' Just like that, we clinked our glasses.

We talked about when I would be starting my new job. At first, he wondered why I wasn’t looking elsewhere, but I simply smiled. And reminded him this place was my place.

“But you’re my home. You’re my safety. My hero. My best friend.” I told him with my eyes locked with his.

I saw his eyes soften and then he said, “I’m glad I can be all of that for you. But how do you do that?”

I’d just taken a sip of my drink and asked, “How do I do what?”

I loved when he made sure any time we talked, his eyes were locked with mine, “Take the words right out of my head and speak them first?”

“It’s called Soul Mate,” I said with humor in my voice.

He brought his beer to his lips, and winked, “And you just did it again.”

The waitress finally brought my food, and I was right. The name of the restaurant, Juliet's, had been on par with the food.

I had just moaned when the spices hit my tongue from my garlic chicken and pasta when I saw Tank’s eyes were heated, and then I saw him reach his hand to his groin and do something.

Either it was the mood of the night, or it was seeing what I did to this big man of mine, I set my fork down on my plate, and then asked, “What are you wanting to do to me?”

He froze, took in my features, and then I just had to lick my bottom lip, and dang, seeing the fire in his eyes was hot enough to scorch me.

“Well, the first thing I plan to do is kiss your toes and suckle them. Then it's to your arches, your ankles, your calves. I want to touch every part of you. Your fucking thighs. I want to bite them. Mark them. So, when you wear shorts, everyone will know you're taken.” He took a breath and swallowed as if what he was saying was affecting him almost as much as me.

Because I wanted all of that. Every freaking part of it.

“Then, I plan to work my way up your body…”

I didn’t let him finish as I called out, “Waitress, check please.”

My breathing coming in pants.

He let out a chuckle and then when the waitress came in a flash with the check, he paid, and then he had my hand in his walking us double time to his truck.

He lifted me up, settled me, adjusted his cock, and then rounded the hood of the truck and climbed in.

Then with his hand on the back of my neck, he kissed me like he’s never kissed me before. Almost as if he couldn’t believe I was his. As if this would be our very last kiss.

I felt every emotion in that one kiss.

