Page 68 of Rise

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“I can reapply it. Your kisses are worth it.” Then in the next breath, his lips claimed my own.

After he took a quick shower and changed into those dark-washed jeans of his, and a dark green button-up to match my dress, he pulled on his kutte, and out the door we went.

And that was when he got a good look at the back of my dress.

His boots stopped.

His growl came littering through the night.

Turning my head to see his expression, I couldn’t help but laugh my butt off.

“You are a fucking imp.” He said as he continued to where I stood beside his truck.

And there on my seat were my flowers. Grabbing them, I smelled them and smiled wide.

Looking up at him, I asked, “Pulling out the stops?”

He winked at me, “You deserve this and more, Gray.”

And with that said, he placed his hands on my waist, even though he had running boards put on his truck for me, he lifted me up ever so gently and placed me in my seat.

Once I was settled with my flowers in my lap, he started the truck up, I asked, “So, where are we going?”

“You remember that place we passed going to the beach? Your arms tightened on the way there when you saw it and, on the way back.”

“You picked up on that huh?” I asked him, excitement feeling my every pore.

“I try to pick up on everything when it comes to you.” I loved his smile; in case you didn’t know.

Grinning, I looked down at his hand where it rested atop my thigh.

Forty-five minutes later Tank was parked, and then I got that look.

That look told me to sit right where I was and not to try anything. Normally, I would try to push his buttons, but we were having a good night. I would wait until another time to escape and spike his temper.

Because I knew he would never hurt me. Not like that. Never like that.

He opened my door for me, I placed the flowers on the console and then I tagged his kutte, pulled him to me, and pressed my lips against his.

After he moaned, then pulled back, he shook his head and helped me down.

After my heels were settled and firm under my feet, he closed the door and then maneuvered me until I was walking in front of his body.

He grumbled at my back, “I’m going to end up killing someone tonight.”

“Why is that?” I asked with a wink.

“Like you don’t know,” He scoffed.

Opening the door for me, I winked at him and stepped through it, and then with his heat at my open back, we walked to the hostess stand.

The man behind the stand, dressed in a black button-down with his blonde hair slicked back, asked, “Name?”

The gruff man and my back said, “Calaveras.”

The man checked the screen, nodded, then said, “Follow me.”

After we were seated the man looked at Tank, then back to me, and winked.
