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I didn’t know if I could let her go.

If I could continue, breathing, but not existing.

Because Raine… She was the air I needed to breathe. She was the thing that caused my heart to beat. She was the reason my entire world remained spinning.

Gravity was a thing for some.

But… she was my gravity.

Lena smiled and then winked, “I take it you're going to fight for her. And I hope it's so you can finally make her yours.”

And with that, she got up and walked out of the clubhouse.


Two days later, still nothing from her.

But today… today I was going to at least see her.

To get my fill of her.

Because we were having an open barbeque. We did these every few months. Inviting the public so they could see that we weren’t a bunch of long-haired, big-bellied, asshole barbarians.

I was ready to see her. I even dressed in my nicest pair of jeans and a fitted white t-shirt because she loved them on me.

And yes, she’s told me that, quite a few times.

From my position at the open bar outside, my eyes kept scanning for any sign of her.

And when I saw that familiar head of dark auburn hair, my heart started pumping double time.

But my teeth gritted so hard at what I saw, I feared I had cracked a molar.

Some motherfucker walked beside her with his hand on her lower back.

What. The. Fuck?

Was it?


No. fucking. Way.

It was.

Son of a fucking bitch.

The same son of a bitch that had his arm wrapped around her in that photo on her Insta.

Chapter 11


The past three days have been a testament to my will.

That was for sure.

Every text that came through from him.
