Page 19 of Rise

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“Tank, you’re crazy.” Yeah, well being the way I am is worth the smile I get from her and those dimples that pop out.

We grabbed the bags and loaded the stuff in my saddle bags once I grabbed the helmet for her that stays in there for when she rides with me.

It's purple with gold flakes in it. I had it custom painted. And let me tell you, the cost of it was worth it when her eyes fucking glowed when she saw it for the first time.

We rode in comfortable silence to her house, and I really wished it was longer. I didn’t know if she realized it or not but every time, we moved to the right she would press her whole body into mine more and I swore I felt her cunt rub against my ass.

We pulled into the driveway, and once the bike came to a stop, I helped her off.

With a hand on her hip, I moved her out of the way, nodded my head at the front door, and said, “Go unlock the doors, Gray, I got this.”

With a smile and a wink, she headed up the drive.

I had to turn my head and take a deep breath.

Not. Fucking. Eighteen. Yet. Mother. Fucker.

But damn… her fucking ass.

I knew her dad wasn’t here, because he was at the new strip club we just opened.

Everyone was there yet I canceled going there when I hit the store and saw what I saw.

And no, I wasn’t going to check out the talent. I was going there because the building wasn’t only a strip club.

We also set up an underground dungeon… of sorts. It made Ripper happy as fuck or, so I was told. And I wanted to check out all the tools they had collected there.

After I got everything in the house and placed it on the island, I toed off my boots, I asked, “Anything I can do to help?”

She looked at me like I was an alien or some shit. “You’re offering... to help me cook? Did I hear you right?”

“What? You think because I’m in an MC I can’t cook?” I puffed out my chest and everything.

She even had just taken a swig of her favorite drink and got choked because the little imp was laughing at me.

“Okay, can you come over here and cut up the tomato, cucumber, and onion please?” She had a cutting board and a knife ready for me.

I watched her brown the meat then she added the sauce and a few extra spices. Next, she put the spaghetti in a pot of boiling water.

Once I was done cutting up the veggies, I mixed them all together with the salad mix and put the bowl in the fridge.

She had just placed the garlic bread in the oven and grabbed me a beer and herself another Dr. Pepper.

Leaning against the island, I saw her bite her lip, “So Tank, can I ask you something?”

“Yeah, ask me whatever.” I meant that too, there was not anything she couldn’t ask me.

But before that, I didn’t even hesitate to move a lock of her hair behind her ear with a finger.

And yeah, there was that ever-present electric current that flowed through my body.

And it helped that I saw a full-body shiver race across her features.

“What is it that you really do? I mean I know it's missions and it’s for the military and all that but like what does that entail?” Except that. I would answer anything but that.

“Gray, there’s nothing I won’t ever tell you, but I can’t give out the information about my job. The only thing I can tell you is that we are very few in my line of work. They call us in when they want something kept quiet or to make someone disappear. That is all I can and will ever tell you. Hell, you know more about what I do than anyone else outside of the military.”

But my Raine, she didn’t pout. She didn’t cause a fuss that it was all that I told her. She just smiled, winked, and took a sip of her soda, “Okay, well that’s a lot more than I thought I would get. Thanks.”
