Page 18 of Rise

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“Please tell me you can take me back home with some groceries. I rode here with him.” She was laughing her ass off and so was I.

“Yeah, Gray, I got you. We’re on the bike so keep that in mind. So, what are you making me for supper? I’m starving.” I asked her.

And with her next response, she didn’t even bat a fucking eyelash. God damn this girl.

“Well, I was going to cook grilled chicken and make a salad because he doesn’t eat red meat. But if you’re down for some spaghetti, salad, and some garlic bread then I’ll make extra for you too.”

“You spoke right to my heart. Let us do this. Wait, you’re not buying store-bought shit, right? You’re making the sauce from scratch?”

She lifted her brow that said, What do you think? I lived for her homemade sauce.

All I had to do was nod and hold in the urge to not get down on one knee and ask her to marry me.

I lived for her cooking.

I knew that her mother didn’t teach her.

And I knew her father hadn’t taught her either, the man could grill, but he burnt fucking water. And yes, that is a thing. That’s when you forget you’re boiling something and leave it on the stove.

So, when she confided that her cooking was all thanks to The Tube, I had half a mind to buy stock in the company.

I pushed the buggy down the aisles while she gathered the things she would need.

All the while the mothers that frequent the store kept their eyes glued to my arms, and my ass.

And yes, by God I have eyes in the back of my head.

They were called Raine One and Raine Two.

Once we were done, we headed to the front.

While the chick was scanning the shit, she kept checking me out. And the way she was doing it was pissing me off because she was blatantly disrespecting Raine. And I didn’t like that. Not one bit.

See, we had the same mentality. People could look for two point five seconds, anything more than that was way too much.

I was about to say something until Raine piped up and said, “Look honey, I know he’s drop-dead gorgeous and I’m flattered that you want to check him out and all but if you don’t stop eye fucking him, you’re going to be wearing eye patches to freaking work.”

My lips twitched. Raine didn’t like to cuss. I still hadn’t figured out why, but that was one of the many facets of Raine.

Did I correct her? Hell, no I did not. It instantly got hard.

Lay it down, boy. I chastised my cock which was rock fucking hard.

She isn’t eighteen. Yet.

She was going to be my everything. I just had to lay the groundwork.

But right now, I was smirking, because I had been missing seeing something.

And that was when the spitfire that she really was came out to play.

Therefore, I shoved Raine out of the way and handed the woman cash before Raine could even get it out of her bag.

“Tank? What do you think you’re doing? I’m the one cooking supper, not you.” She growled.

“Gray, whichever way you want to spin this; no matter where we are, you will never pay a damn dime for anything,” I told her but from the corner of my eye, I saw the cashier sigh.

Yeah, cashier girl lap it up. You ain’t getting this.
