Page 161 of Kiss Me Tenderly

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If I find out who did this, I will strangle them.

“I don’t care about what they do to me, but they better not touch her.”

I was one thing. I didn’t have to like it, but it was the life I chose for myself. Penelope, on the other hand, didn’t get the same choice.

“You really like her.” Blinking, I look up to find Seraphina watching me with interest. “I mean, I knew you liked her, but hearing it and seeing it are two completely different things.”

“I do,” I whisper, my throat feeling tight. I was pretty sure I more than just liked her too. Penelope was everything I didn’t even realize I needed until I met her. She was the sunshine and goodness and light.

My light.

I’ll be damned if I let anybody hurt her.

“Well, shit.” Seraphina leans back, a smirk slowly spreading over her mouth. “Bash Black has officially fallen.”

And I didn’t mind it one fucking bit.



You should come with me.I slip my finger under the leather bracelet, tugging it to the side.To L.A.

The idea was ludicrous, but I couldn’t get it out of my head. After leaving Sebastian’s apartment, I went back home. Although I needed to study, my head wasn’t in it, so I went straight to bed, hoping some sleep would help me clear my mind, but I just kept tossing and turning all night long, unable to fall asleep. Just like I couldn’t forget that almost wistful note in his voice.

Can you at least think about it?

He was disappointed by my refusal; it was as clear as day. How could I get him to understand why I couldn’t do this? That it wasn’t about him but about me?

Couldn’t or wouldn’t?a little voice taunts me from the back of my head.

A leg bumps into mine, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Where’s your head at?” Jade asks.

“Sorry, I just got lost in my thoughts for a minute.”

“Did something happen? You’ve been unusually quiet since you got here,” Grace chimes in.

“I just have a lot on my mind, that’s all.”

“Does it have anything to do with a certain bad boy?” Rei teases. “How is that going?”

It did, but not in the way they thought.

You should come with me.

Was I crazy to even think about it? I should have told him no immediately. I had no right to go with him to L.A. I didn’t belong in his world. Yesterday just proved it. Hearing people whisper around me. Feeling their intent stares. The yells of the paparazzi waiting for Sebastian outside of the building. The insistentplop-plop-plopof the flash as more photos were taken.

I knew I should go online and look up what was happening, but I wasn’t ready to face it. Not just yet.

“Look! It’s her.”

My back turns stiff at the sound of the whispered voices coming from my right.

“What the hell’s their problem?” Jade asks, annoyance clear in her voice.

“I don’t know. But people have been acting weird,” Grace says.

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