Page 59 of Crimson Fury

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“Mr. Ulianov,” a guard approaches me, “we’ve implemented the additional security measures you requested.”

“Show me,” I command, my tone clipped and brusque. He leads me towards the perimeter, pointing out the newly installed sensors and motion detectors, all discreetly hidden among the foliage.

“Good,” I say, nodding in approval as he turns to return to his post.

All seems in order, yet still, my heart clenches at the thought of the people I’m protecting – Nikolai, so young and innocent. And Scarlett. I can’t let her come to harm.


A realization hits me like a kick to the gut. I’ve felt a responsibility to keep her safe since I was the one who dragged her into this world of shadows and danger. But it’s suddenly dawning on me that it’s become more than that. The thought of anything happening to her makes my throat tighten…which is bullshit.

There’s no way that I could care about this woman beyond the physical hunger she’s been feeding.

No way, dammit.

Or is there?

The weight of my responsibilities hangs heavy on my shoulders, but it’s the thoughts of Scarlett that stir a fire inside me.

Face it, dolboyob.

You can’t deny the pull she has over you.

It’s like there’s an unseen force that draws me closer and closer to her. I’m reeling at the enormity of it all when footsteps draw near.

“Boss,” Luka calls out to me as he approaches, “I have news.”

I exhale rapidly, relieved for this distraction from my unwelcome thoughts. It’s about fucking time. Even though I’m certain that whatever he tells me is going to add more trouble to our world.

“What is it?” I ask, bracing for what’s to come.

“I dug something up,” he says. “My contacts from the old neighborhood have come through with information,”

“Speak,” I demand, my voice a low growl.

“There’s been movement among the old crew we used to work with – Word on the street is that some of our old comrades are the ones coming after us.”

I feel my jaw clench. They say there’s no honor among thieves. Or killers. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that the men we once worked with would turn on us with such ease.

Cash. The universal lubricant. Grease a man’s palm, and most will forget old loyalties and sell you out without batting an eye.

“This isn’t going away, boss. We need to go in.” Luka has fallen into step beside me, and I feel his eyes on me even without turning to look at him.

I nod in agreement. The best defence is a good offence. It’s better to eliminate a threat before it can take root and grow into something uncontrollable.

“Alright,” I pause, my thoughts drifting back to Scarlett for a brief moment before I dash them away. “Time to face the beast.”

“Da,” Luka replies, his loyalty unwavering. “We go back?”

“We go back,” I confirm. It’s time. Though I cannot help but feel a sense of foreboding. I must face these motherfuckers head-on if I’m to protect those I care about. Scarlett has become a part of that equation now, whether I like it or not, and I’ll be damned if I let anything happen to her. Or us.

“So what’s the plan?” Luka asks, even though I’m certain he’s already thought things through himself. The man has always been a skilled strategist when it comes to bloody street wars.

“We get in, get the information we need, get the fuck out,” I respond, my voice clipped and focused. “Maybe send a message to Volkov while we’re at it.”

“Got it, boss.” Luka nods, his eyes sharp and alert, ready to jump into action at any moment.

As we prepare to retrace our steps back to the old neighborhood, the memory of that intimate encounter with Scarlett in the woods comes flooding back. The intensity of the moment, our bodies pressed together as if trying to merge into one. I remember how the sunlight had filtered through the trees above, casting dappled light across Scarlett’s flushed skin, her breaths had come in soft gasps, how beautiful she’d been in that gentle light…

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