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Jessica thought back to all her interactions with Matt so far—starting from meeting him at the bar, up to the point where they got married, then their actual wedding night, when she was confused out of wits and didn’t think about the whole sex thing. Now that she thought back, she understood that Matt could have taken advantage of her that very night if he wanted to, but he hadn’t. His actions so far were nothing but cordial.

That’s if I don’t take into account his persistent pursuance of me and his scandalous offer of marriage.

Despite that, he hadn’t done anything that would suggest that he was a person who was okay with violating another person, even if that other person was his lawfully wedded wife. She was mortified when she remembered that first night when she had been drunk and gambling away all her money at his casino, how he had smoothly turned up at her table and seamlessly joined the round of poker—how she had been extremely attracted to him and felt that he had been attracted to her as well, how they had heated and electrified chemistry between them, and how Jessica was so close to having sex with him. She regretted her actions now. What had she been thinking? Honestly, she cursed herself for what she had been thinking when she decided to come to this bloody failed solo honeymoon in the first place.

Nothing, apparently, but I was hurting and only wanted to shut everything out with alcohol and gambling.

Even so, she was glad that they hadn’t had sex that night because she would have very much regretted her actions now. She wasn’t sure whose contribution it was for stopping her at the right time that first night, or whose self-control had prevented them from making a terrible mistake. Was it his or hers?

Let’s not think about that anymore. I’m just glad we didn’t sleep together that night. Phew.

She had expected a lot worse from this man, but so far, his intentions seemed less sinister than she initially thought. For the life of her, she couldn’t understand his motives for marrying her. He didn’t even know her, and it wasn’t that she was the beauty of her class. She was no Helen of Troy, or so she thought.

No wars would ever be fought over me, thank God.

She was having a little panic attack. In all her wild thoughts, she looked over at Matt. He was sternly looking at his phone, doing some business.

Probably replying to an urgent mail or something regarding that meeting he went to earlier this morning. Maybe I can ask him more about his work later when I’m not such a mess.

His eyes were downturned, and there was a slight frown on his forehead. Jessica looked at him closely without intending to. He was extremely handsome and very attractive. She noticed his eyes were shaded under long thick lashes. His lips were drawn into a thin line and his face was in a frown, but he still managed to look handsome. He was a good-looking man, who was rich and capable, not to mention he was very good with words, having the power to charm even the most stubborn of clients. Under different circumstances, she would be really into him.

Just like I was on my first night at Monte Carlo before I got myself into this massive mess and complicated everything.

Her mind again went back to the night before. The fact that Matt hadn’t taken advantage of her reassured her to some extent, and she was able to relax a little. She knew she couldn’t understand his motives for marrying her, but she decided she would wait and see what happens.


Just like Matt said, about thirty minutes later, the jet changed its trajectory downwards. Jessica felt the slight weightlessness you would feel just before landing. Just as the plane was about to touch the ground, she braced herself for the bump, but it didn’t come. She was impressed with how smoothly the jet had landed. In addition to this being an exceptionally great jet, Jacob must be an exceptionally good pilot.

During the time it took for the jet to be ready to open its gates, Jessica looked out the window at the surrounding area. The weather had turned to a toned-down version of the sunny day they had witnessed in the morning. There had been a slight drizzle, which was what caused the turbulence earlier. The sun was still bright, but there were clouds occasionally covering it, and the air had that cool tone it usually does just after a fresh rain. The runway was wet in some places but dried up quickly under the sun. Jessica checked out the vast plain. It was a long stretch of road with green grass on both sides. Jacob announced that they were safe to get off the plane. Matt had walked over to the front of the jet and now came back to their seat.

“Ready?” he asked Jessica as he put out his hand for her.

“As I’ll ever be, without knowing where I’m headed,” Jessica said and took his hand. He seemed to be in a good mood about the whole–happy, even though she still couldn’t figure out how or why exactly. Jessica watched him being cheerful with everyone but couldn’t help herself from the dark mood caused by her disturbing thoughts. She was quiet as they got out of the plane. Matt helped her out of the jet, and Natalie came close behind them. Jacob opened the luggage compartment from the side and brought her bags out. Natalie took them and started walking toward the-

Wait, is that a freaking limousine?

Jessica gaped at the car for a moment. She had known Matt was rich but hadn’t stopped to think she’d be riding with him on a limousine this soon, and what a limousine it was! It was sleek black with three sets of tinted windows. Jessica didn’t know much about cars, but this model looked like it had just been taken out of the port and driven straight out to pick them up. There was not a scratch or dent in the body of the magnificent car. As they walked towards it, she followed close behind Matt, who didn’t notice that she was still gaping at his ride. Beside the limo stood its chauffeur in an immaculate black uniform. He took off his uniform cap and bowed his head as they approached closer.

“Good day, Mateo. Have you been waiting here long?” Matt greeted the chauffeur with a warm voice that suggested they were acquainted with one another. Mateo, the chauffeur, gave a wide smile at Matt and said, “No, sir. You arrived just in time. I got here only a moment before you landed.” He opened the car door, and Matt helped Jessica in and climbed in after her. Mateo closed the door behind them as Natalie put in the luggage at the back, and after saying goodbye to her and Jacob, Mateo walked over to the driver’s seat. Jessica took in the inside of the limo. It was lavishly furnished with everything you could think of inside a limo. The driver’s seat was separated by a tinted window, which had an opening slot in the middle. A sleek but comfortable-looking black leather sofa stretched on the whole length on one side and curved around to cover some parts of the other side. The rest of the length of that side was taken by the door and a counter. The counter held a mini refrigerator, a flat-screen TV, speakers, a gaming console, and even what looked like to be a mini bar! Jessica was astonished at how all of it fit artistically inside the car without making it feel congested. She had never been inside a limo before, and she had never given much thought to how it would be. She had assumed it might be crowded inside, but this completely changed her mind because it was pretty spacious inside even though the limo didn’t look unnaturally big from the outside.

Mind-boggling, indeed. It is surprisingly very nice inside here.

She sat on one corner of the sofa across from the TV, and Matt sat right beside her. He must have given him pre-planned instructions because he didn’t ask where to go. Mateo started the limo after they had seated themselves, without Matt having to say anything to him. As the windows were tinted, she couldn’t look out at the passing scenery anymore. She suddenly felt the silence of the limo suffocating. On the jet, she had unknowingly been relieved to have something to do and was genuinely enjoying the view, but now that that was gone, she felt Matt’s presence beside her in strong waves, and the silence grew thick between them. She knew Matt was happy, but she had been quiet. She doubted it would go unnoticed much longer.

“Hey,” Matt said, as if on cue.

“Hey,” she forced herself to reply after a gulp.

“Is everything alright?” Matt sounded not as happy now.

“Yes, it is,” she lied.

“I don’t believe you. You’ve been so quiet all morning. What’s troubling you?” he insisted. He had touched her arm while asking her this question, and she felt his touch tearing under her skin somehow. She couldn’t pretend to be carefree any longer. She was making both herself and Matt’s mood gloomy with her worries.

“You’re right. I am troubled,” she said in a rush of air.

“With what? Tell me, Jess,” Matt told her in a somewhat pleading voice.

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