Page 54 of Diablo

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My cheeks grow red as I push myself up. My dick is limp between my legs, my entire chest caving in frantically. “Whatever. That’s fine with me. You’d be a lousy lay anyways! I didn’t want it. Just stay out of my way from now on!”

I roll off the bed and stomp over to the cactus still sitting in Skylar’s duffle. My fingers grab on to the fabric of the boxers, careful not to touch the prickly thing attached and I fling it toward him, watching in shock as it lands on his chest.

Skylar’s lips part in surprise.

“You little shit,” he says as it falls to the ground with a plunk.

“Told you it jumps.”

“You threw it at me.”

His eyes swivel down to the spines stuck in his skin before they slide over to me.

“You really need to stop throwing tantrums. Behave like a fucking adult, Diablo. You made your decision, don’t be mad at me about it.”

And then he turns and walks away, stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind him. Probably going to pull those spines out of his chest. Well, good.

I stare down at my sad dick and scold it.

“Just deal with it, you slut.”

It bobs its head and frowns at me. There’s an uncomfortable sting behind my eyes, and I blink it away. This is no time for emotions. Those make you weak. Skylar is disposable anyways. These feelings I have toward him just happened because we’re in such close quarters. He wouldn’t even look twice at me if we passed on the street, and I wouldn’t have even turned my head toward him.

He means nothing to me.

“It would have sucked anyways,” I mutter to myself and then swipe at my eyes.

No way in hell was I gonna let him watch me take it, watch every vulnerable emotion flit across my face. No fucking way. No matter how horny I get, I willneverdo that.

* * *

“If that’s what you think is best,” Skylar says, his voice low and rasping as he moves around the kitchen. It’s late but neither of us has retired to our bedrooms to sleep. The moon is bright this evening, signaling a dark sky tomorrow night. But right now I can see everything in its light.

All evening, we’ve orbited each other, my eyes refusing to even look at him. It’s better this way, the lack of interaction, the silence.

He hasn’t spoken a word to me either.

Which is fine. I am totally fine.

“When will he be here?” Skylar asks, and I sit up a little taller on the couch. “Fine. Of course. Do you want to speak to him?”

Silence for a moment and then I hear the phone click shut. I refuse to let my heart pinch at that. It’s par for the course. Of course he doesn’t want to speak to me. He never does.

“I don’t know why you even ask him if he wants to talk to me,” I say, my voice breaking through the quiet around us. “He never does. It’s stupid to ask.”

“He should. He should want to speak to you,” Skylar says, and I sink back into the couch, turning my gaze to the show on television I’m not even watching.

“Just so you know, another bodyguard is coming out here tomorrow morning. Some chatter has been happening that your father caught on to and it seems Elio knows more than he’s letting on.”

I start to panic slightly, my heart pinching in my chest. Does this mean he’s leaving? Oh fuck. What if he’s leaving?

“Good riddance then,” I say, waving my hand around even though my eyes sting.

Skylar shakes his head and then says, “I’m not leaving. No, there will be two of us. So no more fucking around.”

“Whatever,” I say, relief moving through me first before a prickle of fear. But I push it aside. There’s no time for worrying about this, no need. There’s no way in hell Elio will find us. There’s no fucking way. It’s not like it is in the movies. He doesn’t have the skills to track me like that.

He’s just a dumb man. The dumbest.
