Page 26 of Unforgettable

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Harper waves it away. “No, that’s okay. I probably shouldn’t eat it anyway.” She taps her hips as if that’s where the cake would be heading.

Another thing about Harper that hasn’t changed—putting others before herself. Even if it meant giving someone her last piece of cake when she really wanted it herself. Is that the person she still is? Or is it all an act? Was it always an act? Because she didn’t put me first when she ran off with Derek. My spine stiffens at the thought.

“Take it. You’ll enjoy it more than I will.” I shove the plate into her hands. “I have to go.” Trying to figure out who the real Harper is, is making my head spin. This is all too much. I’ll have to figure out what she’s up to another day.

Chapter Fourteen


Wrappedtightinmycoat, I step out of the subway and into the icy morning air. I blow warm air into my hands before slipping them into my gloves. To stop any chilly air wafting down my neck, I twist my scarf around my neck one more time. I give a quick glance around at the street signs so I can navigate myself to the botanical gardens.

I make my way to the entrance I was told to go to, and once at the gate, I flash my work ID card at the security guard. Up ahead I see trailers, tents, lights, heat lamps, and other paraphernalia needed to take photos. People are bustling around getting everything set up. I must admit, I’m excited about seeing what a photoshoot is all about.

Walking through the botanical gardens, I take in my surroundings. With manicured hedges and lawns, beautiful, colored flowers, and pristine gardens, it makes me want to roam around and explore. That will have to wait until another day. I’m here to work.

When I find Bianca, her mouth twists to the side like she’s not happy to see me. Will she ever look happy to see me? “Good morning,” I say with a smile. I’m not letting her ruin my excitement for the day.

Bianca acknowledges my greeting by handing me a file. “These are the photos of the dresses and the models who need to wear them. There are five models. Make sure they are dressed and ready. When they’re called, take them to the tent over there.” She points to a spot near the camera crew.

I look over, and the first thing I see is Finn. He’s talking to Lucas, who is adjusting a light stand. Finn’s hair is hidden underneath a black beanie, and he’s wearing a thick, woolen coat. It looks like the one he draped over me at Alto’s. Is my ring still in the pocket? Now that I know about it, has he tossed it away like it’s trash? Like he can feel my gaze on him, Finn turns his head in my direction. Our eyes lock, and my breath catches.

“What are you waiting for?” Bianca snaps. I break eye contact with Finn and give her my attention. “We haven’t got all day. The models are in the first trailer.”

The morning is a busy hive of people scurrying around. Lighting is being set up. Equipment is getting checked. Models are in hair and makeup and getting dressed in their gowns. When the first model, a black-haired beauty with chocolate-colored skin and deep brown eyes is ready, I guide her with a warm robe over her shoulders to the heated tent. I glance around at the setup. With a cherry blossom canopy, and smoke machine, it looks like something from a fairy tale. It’s so pretty and ethereal.

On my way back to the trailer, someone calls my name. Stopping, I turn around. Finn’s father, Marco Alessi, is standing by the catering tent looking at me. I haven’t seen him since Finn and I broke up. Nerves clutch at my stomach. He’s the last person I want to see.

Mr. Alessi saunters toward me. He’s dressed in a navy coat and scarf, and gray hair is sticking out from under his beanie. He’s not as tall as Finn, nor had he ever had the same strong, solid build. The only resemblance Finn shares with his father is their hazel eyes.

“Hello, Harper,” Mr. Alessi says with a smile. A smile that looks tight around the mouth and doesn’t reach his eyes. “It’s been a few years.”

“Hello, Mr. Alessi.” I want to get away from him as fast as I can. I shuffle away slightly, hoping he won’t engage in any chitchat.

“What a surprise it is seeing you working at Alessi’s.” His face hardens.

This man is well-loved by his family, friends, and work colleagues. Once upon a time, I was one of those people. I grieved with his family when Mrs. Alessi’s cancer triggered a stroke and she was only given hours to live. I believed Marco when he said he tried moving heaven and earth to get to her. I never suspected he was with a mistress. Why would I? Finn never once told me he thought his dad was cheating on his mom. I only found out about the affair after I married Derek, and he took great joy in showing me photos of Marco and his mistress together. Loved hanging it over my head. Tormenting me with how easy it would be for him to give the evidence to Finn and his brothers and destroy their relationship with their father. It was his way of showing me that with a snap of a finger he could ruin people. Including me and the people I loved.

“I’m grateful for the opportunity. I better get back to work.” I go to walk away, but his hand shoots out and grabs onto my forearm, stopping me. When I glance down at his hand and back up to his face, he drops his arm to his side. “You’re not welcome here.”

I tilt my chin and glare at him. “Why? Because I might expose your dirty, little secret?” I can’t believe I said that. I should’ve kept my mouth closed and walked away.

Mr. Alessi’s eyes widen with surprise. Leaning forward, bringing his face inches away from mine, he says through tight lips, “So, Derek told you. I’m not surprised. The man had a big mouth. Well, he may have taken the secret to his grave, but I see you know a little too much. If you’ve come here to spill secrets to Finn, think again. I will ruin you.”

Would my life ever be free of threats? First Derek and now Marco Alessi. I step away from him. “I don’t know how you can look at yourself in the mirror. Your wife was on her deathbed. She loved you. Trusted you and you…you—”

Mr. Alessi points a finger in my face. He grits his teeth. “I’m warning you. Keep your mouth shut or else.” With that, he retreats to wherever the hell he crawled from, leaving me rooted on the spot.

I’m shaking so hard from the confrontation, I don’t notice Bianca until she’s standing in front of me. Throwing something into my hands, she says, “Take these to the set. They’re waiting for them.” And she scurries off.

Glancing down at my hands, I see I’m holding white leashes with pink diamantes stuck to the leather. Leashes? There’s only one thing I can think of that can be attached to them. With trepidation, I look at the ground. My heart stops, my head spins, and I sway on my feet. Four white, fluffy dogs are scampering around my ankles. Then they lift themselves on their haunches to scratch at my legs like they’re trying to win my attention.

Fear grips at my throat, stopping me from screaming. I can’t move my feet to run away. It’s not long before black spots flitter at the edges of my vision. Just as my legs are about to give way, someone rips the leashes from my hands, and strong, warm arms wrap around me.


“Someone get these dogs out of here! Who the fuck gave the dogs to Harper?” Finn’s voice roars through the garden. Like the air has deflated from my body, or I’ve found my safe place, I collapse against Finn’s chest. “It’s okay, it’s okay. I’ve got you,” he soothes, kissing my temple.

My body is shaking as I bury my face in Finn’s neck. I know I’ll be okay because I’m in his arms. Finn understands my fear. Understood how real my reactions are and had always protected me. Just like now. “I-I feel like an i-idiot.” My teeth chatter from the shock.

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