Page 25 of Unforgettable

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I spin on my heel and march to Bianca’s office. Before I go inside, I open the file. Inside is a list of instructions. How to make Bianca’s coffee. What sandwich to order her for each day of the week. When to drop off and pick up her dry-cleaning. I flick the page over. The list continues. No wonder Harper looked at me strangely. This file has nothing to do with work and everything to do with Bianca and her list of demands. Embarrassed at my mistake and annoyed at Bianca, I knock and enter her office.

Bianca smiles at me as she swivels on her chair away from the computer. “Finn, I’m glad you’re here. I’ve been wanting to go over—”

“What’s this?” I drop the file on the desk.

Her eyes narrow as she flips it open.

Without giving her time to answer, I say, “Harper is here to work, not be your personal servant.”

Why am I defending Harper? Maybe because I don’t like people being mistreated in my workplace.Yeah right, that’s what it is.There’s something about her I can’t shake. No matter how hard I try.

“Harper is new. She has no experience in the fashion industry. There’s only so much work I can give her.”

“In the future, keep what she needs to do for you to a minimum. She doesn’t work for you.” Bianca’s lips thin with annoyance. “What work for the company do you give her to do?” I take a seat. Bianca tilts her head to the side as if she doesn’t understand the question. “How much of my business does she know about?”

“She files, delivers things to other departments, just general running around for staff who needs things done.”

“That’s it? Does she have access to any accounts, projects we’re working on, things like that?”

A quizzical eyebrow rises above her right eye. “Nothing like that. Why, is there a problem with Harper?”

I scratch my chin. “No, just checking. You wanted to see me about the photoshoot?”

After I finish with Bianca, I make my way to my office. Again, I’m drawn to where Harper is sitting. I stop by her desk. “What are you working on?”

Harper’s eyes lift to meet mine. She smiles slightly. Damn, I’m a sucker for those deep brown doe eyes. I give myself a mental shake.

“Just making sure I get Bianca’s order for lunch right. Yesterday I forgot the extra pickles on her sub. She wasn’t happy.” She chuckles.

“I’ve told Bianca that you’re not her servant.”

She lifts a shoulder. “I don’t mind.”

“Hey, Harper. Mr. Alessi. We’re having cake in the breakroom for Riccardo’s birthday,” Theresa from sales informs us. “Come join us.”

“I have work to do. Maybe you can save me some?” Harper says.

Theresa laughs like Harper has said something funny. “As if there is going to be any left to save. Better get in now or you’ll miss out. Oh, did I mention it’s a chocolate and Oreo cake?”

I see the spark of interest in Harper’s eyes when Theresa mentions chocolate. Harper can never say no to a chocolate cake.

“I really shouldn’t—”

“Go have cake. The work can wait,” I say.

Harper looks at me with surprise. Like why am I being nice to her since every interaction has been hostile.

She gets up off her chair. “Only if you have some too.”

I’m supposed to be meeting someone for lunch in twenty minutes. Filling up with cake is the last thing I should be doing. “Who can pass up chocolate cake?” This will give me an opportunity to keep my eye on Harper.

In the breakroom, the cake gets cut and Harper hands it out to the staff with paper plates, chatting and laughing as she goes along. It’s only her second day here and she’s already friendly with everyone. Is this a ploy? A way of sliding her way in for whatever the reason she’s here? But she seems genuinely happy. There doesn’t seem to be any conniving or scheming going on. Just general interest in everyone. That’s something that hasn’t changed about her. She loved being around people, and people loved having her around.

She comes to me and hands me a plate. I notice she doesn’t go back for one for herself. “Where’s your slice?”

“Nothing’s left. Theresa was right. You need to get in quick for cake around here.” She laughs.

“Here, have this.” I push mine toward her.

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