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I understand he has a newly discovered maid fetish. I glare at him because he’s expecting it while he waits impatiently. “Candace?”

There’s no way out of this but through. Plus I know him, he can’t last being mean, not really. “Yes, sir.” I give him a jaunty salute just to mess with him. He eyes me warily before turning and retreating to the dining room. Pulling the cover off the lone plate on the kitchen table, I discover the most boring healthy meal possible. Plain boiled chicken and broccoli. I sigh and reluctantly sit down to eat some of it.

But the normal chairs at this table have been replaced with plain wooden ones and I yelp as my bare thighs hit the cold un-upholstered wood. Maybe I’ll eat standing up. Then it occurs to me that maybe he bought more than one pregnancy test and I won’t have to wait forever to find out. I rummage in the drawers but all I find in amongst the usual kitchen tools and crap is a sticky note with the wordsPatience, little mouse. I groan and grab one more bite of chicken before opening the oven for his lordship’s meal.

Since he cooked it, I can’t really hold the beef bourguignon over him, but it smells damn more exciting than boiled chicken. Then I remember he said three courses and check the refrigerator. There’s an elegantly arranged salad and a small crystal bowl of chocolate mousse. Surely one finger swipe wouldn’t be detectable, would it? Then I notice the perfect ridges in the swirl — yep, he’d notice. I’ll say this for Nick, he really goes in for the details when he’s making a point.

I carry in the salad with a pout. “Your dinner, Oh Beastly One,” I mutter with a gratuitous eye roll.

Nick ignores that, naturally. “Thank you, Candace. Now stand here on my left. It’s chilly today, isn’t it? I might need you to warm my hands.” It is chilly, which is why my nipples are so hard they might just break off and they are not enjoying being rubbed against starched linen gauze.

I stand there feeling silly and slightly aroused by this damn apron while he takes his precious time spearing individual spinach leaves into his mouth. He’s working up to something, I just don’t know what. I find it hard to believe this is all because I was out in the greenhouses too long or that I said something snarky this morning.

Nick loves to use the power of contrast to win an argument, so I suspect this is all in aid of getting me to do something he wants that won’t seem quite so bad after this. I narrow my eyes at him in suspicion. He slides his left hand between my legs from the back.

I yelp because his hand is unusually cold. Did he just have it wrapped around his water glass?

“That’s better. Step a little wider, Candace. I’m still a tad chilly.” There’s just a touch of dark amusement deep in his voice as I sigh and widen my stance so he can tuck his long fingers up against my heat. He fingers me lightly, then withdraws his hand. I’m left wanting more.

“Hmm. I’ve changed my mind on the order of things. Why don’t you take this plate back and bring me the beef now?” He doesn’t even look at me with this new request — is it because he’ll lose his composure or did he practice being an ass in the mirror? I snarl slightly as I grab the salad plate in front of him.

I take control of my temper, which is really growing anxiety in disguise, in the kitchen. And plaster a sunny smile on my face as I plop his dinner down on the table. His arm curves around my waist as I stand straight again. Or try to.

“You did such a marvelous job warming my fingers earlier, Candace. I think you should do the same for my cock while I eat. Don’t you?”

Honestly, I didn’t know anyone could eat and fuck at the same time. I’m not sure anyone can, really. Nick smiles outright at my bafflement before tugging me down on his lap, where apparently he’d freed himself while I was in the kitchen because his thick bare cock is pressing against the seam of my legs. Instinctively, they open to cradle him where he belongs. He lifts me slightly and the next thing I know, he’s stretching me wide. My inner walls caress him, fluttering and squeezing with delight after such a long absence. Nick coughs slightly and somehow manages to pick up his fork. He takes a small bite. Ha! I knew it — he can’t really eat right now. He swallows though and then spears another bite, offering it to me. “Here, I think I might not have used enough pepper. What do you think?”

The sauce is ready to drip off the fork, so I open my mouth. When I do so, his hand starts circling my clit, teasing and stretching my pussy taunt around his cock. Thankfully, I swallowed some time before he did that last bit. “Nick!” I scream. The climax that overtakes me is an eruption of pure sensation. His mouth claims mine and as my pussy clamps down violently, he joins me, pumping long streams of cum into my narrow channel already stuffed full with his cock.

All the strength has fled my body and I’m a blob leaning against Nick’s broad chest as his hand gently makes circles on my back and he drops small kisses on the top of my head. “What are you trying to do to me, Nick?” I mumble finally, my spine starting to cramp.

He eases me upright slightly. “You’re supposed to be addressing me as sir, but I’m willing to overlook you ignoring the rules, this once… if you’ll agree to my proposal.”

I lay my hands flat on his sparkling white dress shirt and study his face with suspicion. I knew he was up to something. “What?” I ask as ominously as I can manage.

“An intercom system is being installed in all the outbuildings and the basement this week. That’s not negotiable,” he warns me as I open my mouth to protest. “What you need to consider is if you are pregnant, do you want to go back to New York or have an obstetrician stay here until the baby is born?”

“Nick! Did you look while I was gone?” I pout, thinking he already knows and didn’t tell me, but he shakes his head.

“No, I think we ought to settle this first. It’s important to me, little mouse. You aren’t big and I know you think my genes won’t pass on anything unusual, but I’m not fully convinced. I want to know you’re safe and this place is too far from a hospital and even farther from specialists. So New York or someone onsite?”

Oh, I get it now. He’s going all over-protective on my ass. That makes so much more sense than the domineering beast act.

“How could you even get a specialist to stay here for nine months? Ten technically…” I add because people always get that math wrong and it annoys me.

“Money can be very convincing and Javier knows some people that would enjoy a quiet stay in the country. They don’t even have to live in the house. We’ll renovate the apartment over the garage.”

This is a lot of thought for something that supposedly just occurred to him this morning. I wonder how sure he is. How bitchy have I been lately? I furiously think back through the last week. I’ve been off definitely, but I thought it was just the lack of proper sex. Was that a distraction too, or was he worried he was going to hurt me somehow?

“You’ve talked to these doctors already, haven’t you?” I lightly pinch his earlobe in warning. “Remember, you promised not to lie to me, Nick.”

“I did and yes, I have.”

“You were worried sex was dangerous if I’m pregnant and that’s why you held back, not because I was late coming in for dinner.”

“Um, well, both really. I was worried when I couldn’t find you. Made me think about how isolated this place is and you never take your phone with you. But I know you love your privacy, my shy little mouse.”

I pat his cheek with affection and squirm on his cock, which I’m still keeping warm for him. “Well, I don’t want to live in New York, but I’m happy enough to take a few shopping trips back here and there. So why don’t we look at that stick in your pocket before we start picking out wallpaper for the garage?”

Nick gives me a knowing look, like everything else is just a formality, but reaches into his pocket. He unwraps the handkerchief and a slow smile spreads across his broad face. I watch that instead of trying to peer at the tiny test upside down. “You’d better start the shopping list for your nest, little mama mouse,” he announces before kissing me deeply.

I’m shocked, but not that surprised anymore. “Can we start by taking off this stupid apron?” I mutter once he lets go of my lips.

Nick laughs, a full, genuine belly laugh. “Your face when you saw that… But I like it on you. I think we’ll bring it out for special occasions.” He circles one nipple practically poking through the fabric. No, we won’t. But I obediently part my lips for another forkful of his beef. By the time I’m licking chocolate mousse off of his fingers (whichhefetched from the kitchen, by the way) peace and harmony have been restored in this little corner of Kansas. For now.

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