Page 67 of Exception

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As I work, I feel his eyes on me. People try and make conversation with him. Girls. Guys. People are just drawn to him, and at first I feel myself growing flustered at all the attention he’s getting. But when he seems to only be making polite conversation, I feel my shoulders relax.

And when he turns those eyes on me, and I see the way they devour every inch of me, I know that I have nothing to be worried about. Chase wants me.

Only me.

When it’s finally time to call it a night, the bar locked up and the chairs stacked neatly, I move toward Chase who is standing on the path, scrolling through his phone. The full moon lights up the side of his face and he practically glows.

My throat works, swallowing roughly.

Fuck, he’s a sight.

How did I manage to get him?

“Hey,” I say, my voice cracking slightly. He turns his head up, tucking his phone into his pocket and smiling.


I bob my head as he moves toward me, sliding his hand into mine and pulling me toward the path that leads to the apartments.

“You really didn’t have to walk me home.”

“I know, but I wanted to.”

We walk in silence, the only sounds the waves lapping at the shore, the birds in the jungle, and the occasional hoot of the monkey.

“Bob’s been scarily silent, don’t you think? Kind of eerie,” Chase says as we continue to walk.

“Yeah, maybe he’s gotten the hint. You’re not available.”

“Think so?” he asks, turning to look at me. “Think he knows this is something serious?”

The way he words it makes me clutch on to him tighter.

“I don’t really do serious, I don’t know how.”

“That’s okay. I’ve never been with a guy before this. We can figure it out as we go.”

He makes it seem so easy. And maybe it is. Maybe this isn’t a big deal at all. Maybe I’m making it one.

“Is it really that simple for you?” I can’t help but ask.

“What do you mean?”

“Us. The two of us. Is it really that simple?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”

He’s so damn sincere, so fucking pure. I worry that he’s gonna get tired of me, that he’s going to realize that there is something broken inside of me that can’t be fixed.

“Nothing about you needs to be fixed.”

Realizing I just said those few thoughts out loud, I feel my cheeks darken, and I try and pull my hand away, but he holds on tightly.

“Don’t run. Let me prove it to you. You deserve it all. Everything you didn’t know you wanted…you deserve it.”

My eyes sting, and I turn my head away, blinking rapidly.

“I know you don’t believe it,” he begins, his words traveling softly toward me, settling in my heart, “But, with time, you’ll learn that I’m right.”
