Page 50 of Revenge

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“Nice to meet you, Oliver.” He holds out his hand, and I shake it.

“I’ll be outside. I’ll give you two a minute.”

“Ok,” she tells me.

“Let’s take a walk, Marco,” I tell him.

“Yes, sir. Holden, cover me.” He speaks in his earpiece.

“What happened?” I ask when we arrive in the waiting area.

“We saw an Irishman run out with her bag. Immediately we knew something was wrong. Jimmy tried to run after him, but there was an SUV idling with the door open. We knew Ms. O’Brien was the priority.”

“Good call.”

“Sir, if I may?” I give him the go-ahead.“They aren’t going to stop. She needs to stay out of sight, or we need to be in closer proximity. No more distance protection.”

“I know. But you know she isn’t going to give in easily.”

“She shouldn’t have a choice, not any more or at least not until we apprehend who is trying to hurt her.” I’ve known for some time it was going to come down to this.

“I want four men at all times. Price is not an issue.”

“Yes, sir.” I walk back to her room.

My phone beeps again. Viktor is asking where I am. I quickly reply I’m wrapping things up on a personal matter. We can meet at Gotham in an hour.

“It’s a long story,” Ava says as I walk in.

“I need to go. Did you decide between option one or two?”

“Viktor can’t know.”

“Option one it is.” I stand beside her with Max on the other side of her.“Marco and Jimmy are going to be with you at all times. No more distance. You and my nephew are my priority.” I lean in and kiss her forehead.“He will kill me if anything happens to either of you.” She closes her eyes.

“I know. Thank you.”

“You will never have to thank me for keeping you safe. You are family.” I leave the room knowing the words couldn’t be any truer.

I leave the hospital and walk to my car. I still have to deal with Viktor. He isn’t going to let go that I left his office abruptly. I know him well enough to know he is going to want answers to questions I can’t answer for now.

I pull up to Gotham and park. I walk into Gotham. Viktor is talking to Angus at the bar. He looks pissed. But that isn’t something new. It’s his permanent state of mind as of late.

“Where the fuck have you been?” He barks.

“I told you, a personal matter.”

“Stop with the fucking lies. I want the truth.” He is a few feet from me.

“My girlfriend, dickhead. She is going through some shit, and she needed me.” I hate that I am lying to him.

“Don’t fuck with me. I’m not playing.” I’ve been preparing for this scenario for a while. I had a contingency in place in the event this happened. I take my phone and dial. I set the phone on speaker.

“Hi, Sarah.”

“Hi, babe. I’m fine. Promise.”

“Are you sure? I know I had to leave but just needed to check in again.”

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