Page 89 of Julia.

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She leans closer, her hand finding mine, fingers interlocking with familiar warmth. “Well, whichever one of us is right, I’m still glad that it happened. Because it solidified my decision to keep you around, no matter what.”

I can’t resist kissing her now, but I keep it short and sweet, refusing to fall into the soft siren song of her lips. We sit in comfortable silence for a moment, savoring the beauty of the surroundings and the company we share. The gentle noise of the water against the dock creates a soothing rhythm, a backdrop to our unspoken connection.

After packing the food back up, we both watch the sun start to slip beneath the horizon. I pull her to me, my arm around her delicate shoulders, and hold her close. Julia leans her head on my shoulder and lets out a content sigh.



I close my eyes, breathing in the sweet scent of her hair. “I want us to tackle the problems like we did now, together, no matter how ugly they are. I’m confident that if we work together like this we can face anything that life throws at us.”

Julia’s smile lights up her face. “Together,” she echoes, sounding just as determined as I feel. It’s in these moments, when we stand as a united front, that I feel an unbreakable strength coursing through my veins.

As the sun continues its descent, casting long shadows upon the landscape, I am filled with a renewed sense of purpose. The challenges that lie ahead may be formidable, the road uncertain, but with Julia by my side, I know that we possess the strength and resilience to overcome anything that comes our way.

We lean into each other, our hearts beating in synchrony, as we embrace the unknown. Together, we forge a path illuminated by love, trust, and unwavering support. With every step we take, we grow stronger, braver, and more resilient. And as we embark on this journey hand in hand, I am certain that no matter how treacherous the road may be, we will emerge victorious, our bond unyielding in the face of adversity.

The sun dips lower still, leaving behind a canvas of deep purples and blues. We sit there, basking in the beauty of the moment, knowing that together, we have the power to conquer any challenge, to navigate the complexities of life with grace and determination. As twilight settles and the stars begin to twinkle above, I am filled with a profound sense of thankfulness for Julia’s presence in my life, for the love and strength she brings, and for the boundless possibilities that lie ahead for us.

“How have things been at home?” She asks quietly.

I consider lying to her, but what's the point? If she’s going to be in my life forever, I can’t imagine what I would gain by painting a false picture. “My dad’s health has been declining rapidly.” I admit, my expression deepening. “It pains me to see him suffering. Some days he makes some progress, and I think he might be back on his feet full-time again, but then he has another setback. It makes me feel helpless.”

Julia’s eyes well up with empathy, and she tightens her grip on my hand, offering silent comfort. “Seb, I’m deeply sorry to hear that. It must be incredibly tough for you. I can’t even imagine…how are you coping?”

I inhale slowly as I gather my thoughts. “I won’t sugar coat it—it’s exhausting. I want to be there for him, to provide support during this difficult time. Yet, having to be reminded about his mortality day after day is really wearing on me. If Mom and my siblings were still around, he’d still be his strong, normal self. But now…” I trail off, not knowing what else to say.

I look down when she doesn’t respond, my chest going tight when I see that there are tears in the eyes of my sweet Julia.

When she finally answers, she astounds me once again. “Seb, we can’t control the passage of time or the hardships that life brings. But what we can control is how we face them together. We’ll stand by your father, and we’ll be there for each and every step of the way.”

Her words embrace me like a comforting hug, and I draw closer, seeking solace in her presence. “Thank you, Julia. Having you by my side gives me strength. Dad might act standoffish and stubborn at first, but I really think the two of you will get along once he thaws out some.”

“Hmm,” She kisses my cheek, humor sparkling in her gaze. “I don’t think I can say the same about my mom. She might never like you. Is that okay?”

“I expected as much,” I sigh, sounding more miserable than I mean to, and Julia giggles.

“We’ll keep our time visiting to her a minimum, okay?”

“Our time, huh?” I pull back just enough to look down at her. “Does that mean you’re considering us a single unit now, Ms. Van Dieren?”

Julia blushes, nibbling at her bottom lip, just like I want to. “Maybe…”

And then, as if guided by the hand of fate, I reach into my pocket and retrieve the small velvet box. My heart gallops with nervous anticipation as I stand, pulling Julia to her feet despite her obvious confusion before sinking to one knee. She audibly gasps, eyes going wide, the reflection of the starlit sky mirrored within them. Finding my inner strength, I speak the words that have been etched upon my soul.

“Julia,” I begin, fighting hard to keep my voice from shaking. “I’m not perfect. Sometimes, I’m proud, sometimes I’m stubborn. But there’s one thing I’m not, and that’s a cheater like my father. I may be a workaholic, consumed by the demands of my career, but you will always come first in my heart.” I laugh as I recall the past few months. “Hell, Julia, you already do come first for me. You have for months. Since the moment I first saw you, really. You’ve owned me, body and soul, this entire time.”

With those words hanging in the air, I open the box, revealing a delicate ring nestled within its confines. It gleams under the moonlight, a symbol of commitment, trust, and unwavering love. This ring once belonged to my mother, a cherished heirloom that holds generations of love and devotion.

Tears well in Julia’s eyes as she realizes the weight of the moment, the significance of the ring, and the promise it represents. I take a deep breath, my heart pounding with both trepidation and uncontainable joy, and ask the question that has been waiting on my tongue to escape for weeks now.

“Julia, my love, will you marry me?” I inquire, barely above a whisper. The air around us seems to hold its breath, waiting for her response.

A radiant smile graces her lips, illuminating her face with a radiance that rivals the stars above. Her eyes shine with a mixture of love, adoration, and belief in our future together. Without hesitation, she answers, filled with warmth and adoration.

“Yes, Sebastian,” she says, shaking like a leaf as she holds out her hand. "Yes, I will marry you.”

It appears as though time has stopped in this enchanted moment. As we celebrate our love, our commitment, and the promise of a shared future, the world around us becomes less important. It’s an unadulterated blissful moment, proof that love will always find its way despite chaos, tragedy, and uncertainty.

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