Page 88 of Julia.

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I’m infinitely glad that the bedroom is dark, because there are definitely tears in the corners of my eyes at this point, gratitude and quiet, simple joy growing inside of me with each breath. My father’s blessing…I never expected to have it, but now that I do, I can’t imagine going through with this wedding without it.

“Thanks, Pops,” I force out through the tightness of my throat. “That means…so much to me.”

He clears his throat, having an equally hard time speaking through his emotions. “Your mother would give you both her blessings, too. I know it.”

I take Dad’s hand once again and squeeze, feeling the tattered edges of our relationship starting to sew themselves back together. “I think so too, Dad. I think so too.”



The golden huesof the setting sun cast a warm glow upon the park, creating a picturesque backdrop for our sunset picnic by the tranquil lake. Spring is finally here and the weather has been good enough for us to go out to the park we first went to seven months ago. Gosh, time truly flies.

I watch as Julia spreads the blanket with care on the small wooden dock jutting out into the lake, arranging the delicious assortment of food that my household staff had prepared and packed up for us. Her tenacity and unwavering determination has astounded me.

She’s stunning—so beautiful that I can barely breathe when she turns and the sunlight catches on her golden hair, making it seem like it’s been lit from the inside. There’s an adorable flush to her cheeks from the effort of helping me set up the picnic, and when she smiles at me, I’m sure that everything is right in the world for once.

Wearing a pair of beige pants and a white sweater with her hair loose, Julia looks like every fantasy I’ve ever had. Lately, though, she’s the only fantasy I need. Just the idea of spending my future with her satisfies me in a way nothing else ever had.

A small, black velvet box sits in the pocket of my pants, impossibly heavy for its size. It holds one of the most important things I’ve ever held in my hands.

I settle down on the blanket next to her, watching her fold her long legs under her and throw her hair over her shoulder. Gratitude fills my heart, and I turn to Julia, unable to contain the emotions that well within me.

“Thank you,” I whisper just loud enough for her to hear me over the sounds of the water lapping against the dock. My confession is laced with sincerity and admiration. “Thank you for never giving up on me, for being the light that guides me through the darkness. Julia…without you, my father would have never been convinced to open up, to set aside his pride and embrace the opportunity for healing.”

Her eyes meet mine, filled with a tenderness that melts away any remnants of doubt or insecurity. In her presence, I find solace, a sanctuary from the chaos that has plagued my life. With her by my side, I am whole, complete.

She reaches out and smooths the line between my eyebrows, where they are drawn together in thought. “Is there something else on your mind, love?”

I take a deep breath, summoning the courage to reveal a truth that has been weighing heavily upon me. “When I learned that Karl was my brother,” I begin, my voice faltering for a moment before regaining its strength. “I was shocked, betrayed even.” The words tumble out, the rawness of my emotions laid bare. “I don't need any more complications in my life, you know?”

Julia nods, pouring wine for the two of us and passing me a glass before she leans back on her elbows, enjoying the fresh evening air. “I understand. Do you plan on ever telling him? Maybe it wouldn’t be stressing you out to this degree if you just put it all out there.”

I shake my head, swirling the wine. “Definitely not. I hope that he never finds out. The dynamic would just be…well, to put it simply, a mess. Dad was his boss, and now I am. It would blow everything we’ve worked for out of the water if Karl knew who he was to my father.”

Julia shifts closer, her hand finding mine, offering silent support and reassurance. “Seb,” she says softly in a soothing melody, “You don’t have to worry. Just treat Karl as you always have—as a treasured employee. Your father has made it clear that’s all he desires.”

“As long as he doesn’t come to any family gatherings, I’m good,” I assert, my tone firm yet measured. Karl, my newfound brother, remains an employee in my eyes, and I have no intention of blurring the lines between family and business. It’s a decision that protects the delicate balance we’ve established.

Julia hums in thought, picking up a grape and popping it into her mouth, her tongue darting out to lick the juice from her bottom lip. “Don’t be too harsh on him,” she suggests. “None of this is his fault. I don’t expect you to welcome him into the fold or anything, but he’s pretty much innocent.”

“I’m not going to treat him badly,” I reassure her. “But for the outside world, I’m his boss, and he works for me. That’s it. I will always look out for him, just as my dad requested, but I won’t treat him like a brother. That’s out of the question.”

Julia nods in agreement, her eyes reflecting a shared understanding. “We can agree on that.” She then pauses for a moment, before revealing something of her own, too. “You know, I never met my half-brother. I know who he is—a certain Jimmy living with his mom in Amsterdam—but we never met him. So I understand how delicate those things can be. Your secret is safe with me.”

I let out a breath when she says this. The amount of similarities our families share is astounding. We both recognize the need to maintain boundaries, to navigate the delicate balance between family ties and their legal implications. Sure, the situation I have found myself in with Karl is unlike any other issue I have faced thus far in my life, but the plan that I’ve set out, to keep Karl at arm’s length, is the only way forward I can see.

We eat and drink, listening to the ducks on the water and the wind in the trees. I feed her from my fingers, my blood thrumming hot in my veins when her lips graze my thumb, and it takes all of my willpower not to just throw all the food in the lake and pull her to me, crushing my lips to hers. It’s been too long since I’ve kissed her to my heart’s content. The small pecks and caresses since we reconciled aren’t enough to satisfy my hunger.

Tonight isn’t for making out,I remind myself firmly.We have other more important things to do.

As we indulge in the delicious food, our conversation dances effortlessly, the laughter and shared stories echoing across the water. The memories of our first encounter here resurface, painting the atmosphere with a sense of whimsy and serendipity.

“Do you remember,” I begin, a playful tone lacing my words, “When you bullied me into taking you on a date here?”

Julia’s eyes sparkle with a mix of fondness and amusement. “Of course, how could I forget? Except I remember it a little differently. Instead of me bullying you, I seem to recall you showing up at my school, completely smitten with me, and begging me to go out with you.”

I chuckle at the memory, shaking my head in denial. “That is absolutely not how it went! You were the desperate one, Ms. Van Dieren, not me. You must have been dazzled by my masculine charms, that’s why your memory is messed up.”

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