Page 55 of Julia.

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She looks shocked for only a portion of a second, but then her face becomes stoic. She’s clearly an experienced negotiator and not easily rattled.

“As much as I’d have loved to remove you from this planet, it wasn’t me.” There’s a hint of disdain in her voice, and she checks her nails nonchalantly. But I’m more observant than that, and I can see her pulse fluttering as fast as a hummingbird’s wings through the thin skin of her neck.

I won’t let her off the hook that easily. “I’m afraid whether it’s true or not, you had a strong motive, which makes you the number one suspect,” I continue, watching as she begins to consider my proposal. “Margaret, I know you hate me, there’s no denying it. And I can take this story to the media and the police,” I add, hoping to sway her.

“You have no evidence,” she counters, still not looking up from her fingernails. But her spine is ramrod straight, and her chest rises and falls more swiftly with each passing moment.

“The media don’t need evidence to publish the story,” I point out, circling her where she stands like a shark. “And once public opinion starts railing against you, a prosecution will follow. You know well how those things work.” I grin cruelly, feeling a sense of satisfaction as I watch her finally start to crack.

Now she looks at me, eyes narrowed like a snake and hisses. “Whether you marry her or not, I will never like you.”

“I’ve never, and will never, ask you to like me. Just don’t ruin your daughter’s happiness. That’s all I’ll ever ask,” I cajole, hoping to strike a deal. She’s on the ropes now, and I know it.

Margaret seems to consider my words for a moment before snipping, “Well, that was a very enlightening discussion.” She begins to leave, grabbing her bag and walking quickly towards the door of my office, but I stop her with a firm grip on one of her shoulders. I can feel her bones under my hand, and it disturbs me. Hate has worn this woman so thin, burning everything but misery out of her.

“Do we have an agreement?” I demand, feeling a sense of anticipation.

“I will let you know soon enough,” she snaps, looking directly forward. As soon as I release her, knowing this is the best that I will get today, she adds a short, “Goodbye,” and exits the room. I don’t watch to make sure she leaves, but I do page security on the desk phone to make sure someone has eyes on her leaving the building.

I’m left standing here now, alone, wondering if I’ve just made a deal with the devil.

Fuck it. Devil or not, Julia is worth it. I’d walk through hell for her, and if her mother has her way, I might have to do just that….and I will. I swear I will.

Sinking into my leather computer chair, I rest my elbows on my desk and my head in my hands, setting out a shuddering breath as I sit alone in my office. I inhale deeply, trying to settle myself somewhat, and pick up the phone to call Julia. My heartbeat is still pounding in my ears, made even louder as it echoes off the phone as I wait for her to answer.

Julia’s voice, in total opposition to the icy sound of her mother just minutes ago, is like the signing of angels. “She came to your office, didn’t she?”

I laugh darkly. “Yeah, she sure as hell did. God, Julia, you couldn’t have at least given me a heads up?”

I can hear her suck in an empathetic breath. “I meant to, really I did, but I wasn’t sure if she’d actually go through with it, and if she didn’t, I didn’t want to bother you on your first day as CEO.”

“Well, for one, you’re never a bother. Second, if it involves your mother, I don’t care what I’m doing, please,pleasewarn me.”

“How’d it go?” Her voice is small, but I can hear the anticipation in it. Julia has no idea what I suspect her mother of doing, and if I can help it, she never will, so I’m counting on the hope that she’ll believe that I was able to crack her mother just from my own willpower alone.

“As well as I expected,” I reply, trying to keep my tone confident.

“I think Mom will come around eventually. She just doesn’t like to lose,” Julia reassures me, and I can hear the hope in her voice.

“I understand. Our family is–” I stop, feeling like someone is choking me, before I push the words past my throat. “Our familywaslike that, too. We played to win.” I hope Julia can’t tell that I’m trying to mask my growing anxiety. “She might not lose often, but she definitely underestimated me.”

She giggles. “Oh, is that so? I’ll have to remember never to do the same. But, Sebastian…when will I see you again?” There is a clear note of hope in her tone, and I can feel the pressure mounting. As much as I want her in my arms right now, there are other obligations I can’t escape. Not yet, at least.

“Soon enough. I’ve got a lot of work to do with all these new changes in management, and my dad needs me,” I say, praying she won’t push me further.

“I see…” Julia trails off, and I can sense her disappointment.

“Julia?” I ask, trying to sound reassuring. “Give me some time, okay?”

She lets out a downtrodden sigh. “Okay, bye.”

“Julia–” I say again, but she’s already ended the call. I curse, hating this less than stellar ending to my confrontation with Margaret, but I know there is no help for it. I just need to get through these next few days, and then I will have so much more time for Julia.

I lean back in my chair, and I can feel the weight of the situation bearing down on me. The stakes are high, and I know I need to tread carefully if I want to win. Margaret is a formidable opponent, and I can’t afford to underestimate her. But I have a plan, and I’m confident that with time, I can make it a reality. I just need to stay focused and keep pushing forward. This whole situation is like a high-stakes game of chess, and I’m determined to win. But I can’t get too cocky.

I take a quick glance at the photo of my family on my desk. They were taken from me too soon, but I won’t let their deaths be in vain. I'll use everything I have to make sure Julia is happy and safe.

I check my watch and realize I need to get back to work. I have meetings to attend, emails to send, and plans to make. This is just the beginning, but I'm ready for whatever comes my way.

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