Page 25 of Julia.

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I sputter to a stop, sucking in a breath. If we exchange numbers, Sebastian will have access to me at all times. The thought is thrilling and maybe a little frightening, but in the best way. “Oh, eh, yes, of course. Can you tell me yours, and I will text you mine?”

Sebastian chuckles from the other side before agreeing and giving me his number. As I hang up the phone, I can't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. I barely know this man, but there is something about him that draws me to him. Maybe it’s his unwavering confidence, or maybe it’s just the way he carries himself. Either way, I’m looking forward to seeing him again in a few days.

After the call, I text him,Here we go. Now we are connected.

Just a few seconds later, his answer pops up.

Seb:Looks like it. X

I smile as I read Sebastian’s response, feeling a flutter of excitement in my chest as I clutch the phone to my heart. It’s only been a few days since I met him for the first time, but I already look forward to each and every one of our interactions.

I can’t believe I actually called his workplace to talk to him! It’s so unlike me to take such a bold step, but I couldn’t resist the urge to hear his voice again and thank him for the lovely flowers. Or…confront him about the flowers is more accurate, I guess. But I love them anyway.

And now, we’re able to contact each other any time of the day or night, whenever we want. Just like that. It’s amazing how technology makes everything so much easier.

But what does this mean? Does he really want to get to know me better, or is he just playing along in this game that we’ve started? I shake my head, trying to clear away my doubts. I won’t know until after tomorrow, when we’re supposed to meet again. Until then, I’ll just have to keep my expectations in check.

But for now, I allow myself the chance to feel a little giddy as I look down at my phone and see Sebastian’s name, and that flirty little ‘X’ that he ended his text with. Who knows what the future holds?



I checkmy watch as I step out of the sleek office building, feeling the weight of the day on my shoulders. I’m only leaving about twenty minutes early, but I want to escape the office with enough time to spare. The sun will begin to dip below the horizon in an hour and until now, not a cloud to be seen in the sky, I give a silent prayer of relief that the weather has held. I’ve caught up on everything I need to finish for the day, and shouldn’t run into any problems meeting Julia at 6 PM. Even now I’m cutting it closer than I wanted, but I figure that I should be fine. I don’t know what it is about this woman, but I’m desperate to make the perfect impression every time we’re around one another.

Just as I'm about to turn the corner, my phone rings. It’s my dad, of course, and his timing is terrible, as usual. I close my eyes and curse under my breath, tempted to just ignore the call and continue on my way, but I know my father will be relentless about calling me if I don’t answer. So, reluctantly, I do.

“Seb, where are you? Your PA told me you left your office?” he asks without wasting any time.

His inquiry is enough to make me stop walking, and a sense of uneasiness washes over me. “Yes, um, I’ve got something to do.”

“Schedule it for another time, then, I need you here for a meeting.”

I feel like throwing my mobile against the brick facade of the building. Of fucking course he would want to have a meeting right now!

I let out a frustrated sigh, feeling the pressure of the situation. “I have plans, Dad. Can’t someone else attend in my place?”

“No, it has to be you. It’s important,” he insists firmly. “Plus, the workday isn’t even over! Don’t tell me that you’re already done?”

I open my mouth to tell him a few much-needed truth bombs but stop myself, clenching my teeth instead. I exhale harshly through the nose, resigned at my fate. “Of course not, Dad. I’ll be right in.”

Annoyance pounding in my skull, I turn around and head back into the office building. As I make my way through the busy lobby, I spot Karl, leaning on the front desk and chatting with the secretary. He’s already got his own briefcase with him, ready to be done with the day, but I have an idea that just might get me out of this stupid meeting a little sooner. I lengthen my strides, walking down the hallway and pulling him aside.

“Karl, my dad needs us now,” I say urgently, trying to keep my frustration in check. “We’ve got a meeting that I need you to attend with me.”

Karl looks surprised but nods and starts trailing behind me. “Sure thing, Seb. I’m happy to help.”

He tries to ask me what the meeting is about, but honestly, I have no idea either and just shrug his questions off. We enter the conference room where my dad and several other executives are already seated. The room is almost silent, filled with the weight of important decisions and high stakes, which only serves to make me more pissed off. How urgent can this damn meeting be if I knew nothing about it beforehand?

My dad begins to speak, discussing strategies and PR tactics, and I quickly catch on to what this is all about. Expansion. We’ve been discussing it as sort of a nebulous concept lately, but it will take a lot of effort and even more money from our clients and partners if we’re going to make it happen. Even then, we won’t know for a few years whether the change will be profitable or not.

As serious as this all is, I can’t help but glance at my watch every few minutes, my mind racing with thoughts of Julia and the date that I have planned down to the very last detail. Each second that I’m stuck in this conference room with all these old men is a moment I could be spending making her laugh, touching her, or even just learning more about the fascinating young woman that has started to occupy so much of my mind. I can almost hear her voice in my head, urging me to leave this meeting and come to her, teasing me for being so stuffy and serious about work on such a lovely evening.

“Is everything okay, Sebastian?” Dad asks, noticing my fidgeting. He sounds annoyed but keeps it in check in front of all the other board members that are present.

I clear my throat, sitting straighter in my chair. “Yes, sorry. I just have…other arrangements tonight that I don’t want to be late for.”

My dad raises an eyebrow, and from the look in his eyes, I know that there will be a lot more questions once we are in private later. “Well, this won’t take too long. We just need your input on a few things. I hope that the future of the business you’re set to inherit isn’t intruding on your personal plans too much, hm?”

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