Page 23 of Julia.

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The first sip of the hazelnut latte warms me all the way to my soul, and it’s so wonderful that I almost hug Gabi in appreciation, but there’s clearly something more she wants from me way more than a hug–gossip.

As we make our way back to my bedroom, Gabi chatters excitedly about the latest vapid drama in school and her own life. I try to focus on what my friend is saying, but my mind keeps drifting to Sebastian. I consider lying to Gabi, but there really isn’t any point. Seb might not be immediately recognizable, but anyone with any knowledge of the old money families around here would be able to quickly pinpoint who he is exactly, so I’d be caught in any lie sooner rather than later.

As I sip my coffee and slip into a pair of black high-waisted pants, I wonder if he is thinking about me, too. Does he miss me the way I miss him? Or is he busy with his own life and work, leaving me as nothing more than a pleasant afterthought?

The idea sends a shiver down my spine, and I try to push it to the back of my mind. There’s no way he doesn’t feel the same sort of connection that I do. I refuse to believe that. I know that my mother disapproves of Sebastian and his age, but I can’t help how I feel. There’s something about him that draws me in, a magnetism that I can't resist.

As I slip on a cream-colored blouse and grab my black messenger bag, I take a deep breath, trying to steel myself for whatever the day might bring. Class is going to be difficult for me today…I don’t know how I’m supposed to be able to concentrate with everything going on in my mind.

Gabi practically bounces on her feet as she waits for me to finish getting dressed. “So, tell me, who was that broody man who came yesterday?” she asks, a grin spreading across her face. “Holy shit, girl, that man looked like he’d kill for you.”

I feel myself blushing at Gabi's words. I’m not one for flattery, but something about the way Gabi talks makes me feel warm inside. “Is that a compliment?” I tease, trying to sound nonchalant.

Gabi rolls her eyes. “Of course, it’s a compliment, dummy. You have to tell me everything about him. What’s his last name? What does he do? Why does he look like he wants to kill anyone who comes near you?”

I laugh, feeling grateful for Gabi's lightheartedness. “His name is Sebastian van den Bosch,” I begin as I step into the ensuite bathroom, Gabi trailing closely behind me. “And I don’t know why he looks like that. Maybe he just has a resting murder face.”

With visible amusement in her gaze, Gabi leans against the wall of the bathroom, beside the sink where I’m splashing fresh water over my face. “Girl, you are too much. But seriously, you should ask him out or something. You two have some serious chemistry.”

I feel my stomach clench as I recall doing just that yesterday. I grab a towel and dry my face as I gather my thoughts. Getting him to agree to the ‘friendly’ picnic was difficult, but oh so worth it. I hesitate whether or not to disclose I have already another meetup with Sebastian in a few days to Gabi, but I’d rather keep it to myself until it really happens. “I don't know if he’s interested,” I tell her instead, trying to keep my voice steady. “Well, I’m pretty sure than he is, but he insists that we can only be friends.”

Gabi rolls her eyes, huffing at my words. “Yeah, right. You were practically glowing when he showed up, and he was looking just as intense! Stop overthinking and go for it, Julia. What do you have to lose?”

“He’s just a guy I met at that ball Mom wanted me to go to.” I look at my face in the mirror, shrugging my shoulders. “It’s nothing serious. You’re looking too much into it.” Then I take my moisturizer and put some on my face.

“Well, looks like Mommy knows best,” Gabi teases, winking at me. “If she dragged you to a ball and you met that gorgeous man there, then tell her to extend me an invite next time, too.”

“She might have made me go to the ball, but it backfired on her, actually. Mom doesn'twant me around Sebastian,” I fess out, my voice lowering. “She didn’t set me up with him. I just sort of met him there.”

“So your mom knows him then?” Gabi asks, leaning in closer.

“Yeah, and she isn’t happy about whatever connection he and I formed.” A note of frustration creeps into my voice as I recall the way she intervened. “She actually caught us dancing and asked someone to split us. It was pathetic.”

“Ouch, why?” Her eyebrows furrow in concern and it’s actually cute to see.

“Well, guess how old he is?” My voice’s barely above a whisper as I wait for Gabi’s reaction.

“Oh gosh, who cares?” Throwing her hands up in exasperation, she doesn’t seem much bothered and gives another sip of her latte. “He likes you, you like him, it’s all that matters.”

“Yeah, right, go tell her that yourself,” I say, rolling my eyes as I wash my hands. “But trust me, she cares.A lot.”

“Alright, but she can't forbid you to see him just because he’s older.” Her tone is insistent and her eyes even glint with determination. “How old are we talking about, anyway? Twenty-seven, Twenty-eight?”

“Try early thirties.” My heart sinks as I say the words out loud.

“Oh boy!” A whistle escaping her lips, Gabi can’t hide her astonishment. “Yeah, Margaret is gonna lose her mind. Oh well, from my end, I can help if you need a cover-up excuse to be with him.”

“I appreciate it.” After drying my hands, I pat her arm softly, grateful for Gabi’s unwavering support. “Now let’s go, we’re running late.”

When we reach the door, I take a bite out of the still-warm croissant, careful not to get the butter on my blouse, and sigh in pleasure. “I don’t know what I would do without you,” I tell my friend as we make it out into the hallway. “Not just about the food. Everything.”

Gabi grins, grabbing her bag and following me out the door and through the hallway. “You don’t have to worry about that, babe. I’ll always be here for you.”

We make our way to campus, the morning air crisp and cool against our skin. As we walk, Gabi chatters on about her latest conquests and drama with her roommates. I nod and laugh in all the right places, but my mind keeps drifting. It makes me feel like a less-than-stellar friend, but I promise myself that I’ll be more attentive once everything with Sebastian settles.

There is this pang of anxiety in my chest, even though the morning is beautiful and I have the company of my friend. I know that my mother will do everything in her power to keep me away from him, and it’s stressing me out to no end. Our connection is special…it has something that I can’t quite put my finger on, but I can’t exactly say that to my mother and expect her to suddenly accept this potential love match.

As Gabi and I enter the bustling halls of the University of Amsterdam, I take a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. I know that today is going to be a long day, but with Gabi by my side and caffeine buzzing through my veins, I feel more confident that I can handle whatever comes my way.

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