Page 22 of Julia.

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I sigh, but I know that my father is right. We need to expand the business, and putting some work into those that can help us further the company is a priority I should take seriously, even if I have little interest in getting cozy with Karl. “Okay, I’ll keep an eye on him,” I say reluctantly.

My father smiles, patting me on the shoulder. “Good. Karl is dedicated and knows his craft, but there’s always room for improvement. Together, you can take the company to the next level.”

I nod, feeling a sense of responsibility and duty for my family’s business. But deep down, I know that I also need to find a balance between my obligations and my own desires. It won’t be easy, but I'm determined to make it work.

I just need to get to Thursday, I tell myself, closing my eyes briefly and thinking of sweet, vanilla-scented honey-colored hair. Then I can actually enjoy myself for once.

Dad and I walk out together, where one of the family drivers is waiting for him. I hand the valet my ticket, and my father waits with me, his hands shoved in the pockets of his suit jacket. We aren’t speaking, but now that I have him alone, there are a few things I want to ask him, too. The more I think about it, the more I’m sure that Margaret’s objection has to lie in the fact that I could very well turn out to be a distant, absent husband like my father, and surely she doesn’t want that for her daughter. From the outside, it would be easy to think that my parents have a good, comfortable marriage, but on the inside I can tell that they have never been further apart from each other, even when they sleep in the same room.

It might be out of line, but I have to ask Dad about it. I don’t want them to both end up lonely as they age, too stubborn to both find their way back to one another. The idea of that makes my stomach sink. I turn to my father, my voice hesitant as I try to find the right words. “How are you and Mom?” I manage to pull off, hoping to get a glimpse of the relationship that’s always felt formal and lacking in warmth.

My father’s eyebrows furrow at my question. “Fine. Why do you ask?”

I stumble for a moment, not quite sure how to phrase my concern. “I, um, I never see you together except for official events or things that the two of you are expected to attend together…” I offer, my voice trailing off.

“Don’t worry about all of that, Seb. We’re all good,” he reassures me. I’m still not convinced, but I can see the valet in my car just a few cars away and if I press any further with my father he will know I’m trying to pry.

“Well…if you’re sure.”

Dad claps me on the shoulder as my car pulls up. “I am sure. Now, go home and get some rest, son. I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow.”

Driving home, my thoughts race, torn between my duty to the family business and my desire for something more. I don’t want what my parents have, though, I want a love match. I want fire and passion and someone that will challenge me every day. Someone like Julia. No. I want Julia.

But our respective mothers are against us even seeing each other, so I’ve got no idea how to even make it work.

I need some advice, just someone who understands what I’m going through, but I don’t even know where to start. Who would I even bring this up to? My father is so business-minded that personal talks with him always feel stilted and uncomfortable. And now, with Karl in the picture, it feels like there’s even more pressure on me. I can’t let myself be overwhelmed. I need to find a way to balance everything.

Unlocking the door to my apartment, my mind is still consumed with thoughts of everything that has happened today, but especially Julia. The words she spoke about marriage and divorce are still ringing in my ears. I can’t believe how easy it was for her to talk about something so personal with me. It’s like we’ve always known each other.

As I walk into my living room, I think about how special she is. If it wasn’t for her damned mother and that damned age gap, I’d have loved pursuing her.

I collapse onto my couch and close my eyes, letting out a deep sigh. The emotional rollercoaster of the day has left me feeling drained. I never expected to see Julia again, and now all I can think about is her, and I’ve made plans for a fucking date with her, too! Gosh! What was I even thinking?

I try to push the thoughts out of my head and focus on something else, but they keep coming back like a boomerang. It's like I’m under her spell, unable to think about anything else. Showering, brushing my teeth, and going through some nighttime stretches don’t do anything to clear my head, and with how early I have to get up, drinking her out of my mind isn’t an option, either.

Finally, I give in and allow myself to drift off to sleep once I crawl into bed, my mind still consumed with thoughts of Julia. The future is uncertain, but for now, all I can do is surrender to the overwhelming feelings that she stirs within me.



I haveno idea what time it is when something on the bedside table begins to squawk, but it scares me out of my sleep easily. I jump, blindly feeling around for whatever could be making the noise before I wake up enough to realize that I’m getting a phone call. Groggily, I reach for my phone, squinting as the screen lights up with notifications. After a moment, I realize that it’s Gabi calling me, and I let out a sigh before answering.

“I need to know everything!” I hear Gabi saying as soon as I answer, her excitement dripping from her voice.

Trying to rub the sleep from my eyes, it takes me a moment to form a proper answer. “Gabi, it’s eight am.”

“In my defense, I’m in front of your door with a hot latte.”

My interest is piqued and I ask reluctantly, “What flavor?”

“Hazelnut. And a fresh butter croissant.” Her cheeky tone makes me smile. Well, I know that she’s won this round. Those two items combined are irresistible to me this early in the day.

I quickly throw on a robe and make my way to the front door, the smell of freshly brewed espresso wafting through the air. Gabi is practically bouncing with excitement as I open the door, holding a drink carrier with our two lattes in one hand and a bag of croissants in the other.

“Good morning!” Gabi exclaims, thrusting the coffee and pastry into my hands. “How come you were still sleeping? We have class in thirty minutes.”

“It should be illegal to have class so early,” I grumble, but inwardly I’m thankful that Gabi showed up. I had forgotten to set my alarm and surely would have been late without her. Not to mention without any sort of breakfast.

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