Page 17 of Julia.

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Sebastian returns my smile, his gaze intense. “It was my pleasure.”

There is an awkward moment where the three of us stand in a loose circle, but Gabi eventually seems to give up on getting any more information out of the two of us, and she sighs. “I guess I’ll get going and give you two some privacy.”

I start to object, more on principle than from actually wanting her to stay, but Gabi leaves my side without another word, just a quick wave.

And now here I’m, left all alone with Sebastian van den Bosch. Gosh, it’s hard to even think straight. I take a deep breath before approaching him, feeling somewhat nervous and unsure of what to say, especially with my mother’s warnings still echoing in my ears even though I don’t want them to.

Finally, I get my thoughts straight enough to speak before he can beat me to it. “What are you doing here? Not sure if you are aware, but Mom didn’t really like the way you danced with me the other night.” My tone is filled with amusement as I try to make light of it all, but Seb looks more serious now that Gabi is gone, as if he’s let down the proper social mask he probably wears for the public.

“I do know, yes. And that’s why I came here.” I arch an eyebrow at his words, my interest piqued. “Looks like she mademymom aware of the situation, rather quickly.” He pauses, gauging my reaction. “That was an interesting conversation over breakfast, to say the least.”

“What?!” Mortification sweeps over me and my mouth goes wide open as I ask, incredulous, “She called your mom?”

“She showed up yesterday afternoon to give her a word,” Seb confirms.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.” I press the heel of my hand against my forehead, frustration building into a genuine headache. “Mom is so overbearing. She went through a lot the past few years, and—”

“Julia,” he interrupts, holding his hands up. “I don’t want to cause you or your mom any trouble.” I feel my heart freezing at his words, knowing exactly what he means by that. “So…I came here to apologize for that dance, and I hope I didn’t make you feel too uncomfortable. Rest assured, I won’t bother you again.”

“No, Seb, that’s not necessary,” I insist, a lump forming in my throat. “I’m fine. More than fine, actually. And that’s not what I want…” His eyes widen in surprise at my words, and before I lose what little courage I have left, I hold his gaze and finish my sentence. “I actually want you to bother me again.” A sense of desperation creeps into my voice, but Sebastian holds my gaze in place, his expression as stoic as before. No one has ever had this effect on me and I’m about to lose him before I even really get to explore these feelings? Absolutely not!

“I didn’t know your mom didn't like me. I’m sorry but I can’t see you again.” He delivers those words so mechanically that I wonder if the chemistry I felt between us was all in my head. Gosh, why Mom has to ruin everything? But alas, it’s just so typical of her. “I also didn’t know your age until your mom told mine. For some reason, I thought you were older.”

“But I’m an adult, and that’s all that matters, right? And it’s not like I just turned eighteen, I’m actually turning twenty in a few months.” In eleven months more precisely, but he doesn’t need to know that.

He cringes. “Please don’t make it any worse. I’ll just…I’ll leave you alone now,” Sebastian replies, his tone resolute. “Have a good one, Julia.”

While I fumble with my emotions, I watch him turn his back on me and walk away.

This can’t be it!

My mind doesn’t want to accept defeat. No, I can’t let him go just like that, and in a second of impulsiveness, I rush in his direction, yelling, “Can’t we just be friends?”

He stops at my question, shoving his hands in his pockets as he turns to face me. Sebastian chuckles, but continues walking toward his car once I make it to his side. “I don’t think we can be friends, Miss.”

“Why not?” I demand, still keeping pace beside him. “I will be a judge one day, I’m a good contact to keep around.”

“Smart girl,” he says, a hint of amusement in his voice. He continues walking, and I follow him, determined not to let him go.

He finally reaches his car, a vintage Aston Martin, and opens the door to slide into the driver’s seat. Surprising even myself with my brashness, I slide into the passenger seat beside him, and Sebastian groans in annoyance. I can feel his eyes on me, and my heart races as I struggle to keep my emotions in check. With no idea of what I’m doing, I shut the passenger door and cross my arms. Now, it’s just the two of us.

“What do you think you are doing?” he asks, clearly taken aback by my sudden intrusion.

“I’m hungry, aren’t you taking me somewhere to eat?” I ask, trying to sound nonchalant, hoping my voice doesn’t betray how nervous I am. I have no idea what I’m even doing at this point!

Sebastian huffs, head shaking, but a subtle smile escapes him. “I’m not taking you anywhere. I have no interest in being seen in public with you. I can only imagine how well that will look when it inevitably gets back to your mother.”

“Too bad, I’m not moving,” I insist, tilting my chin up stubbornly. “Honestly, what are you afraid of? I’m an adult so it’s not like you’re doing anything illegal.” I try to read his expression, but he avoids my gaze.

“I know that—”

“So you are afraid of my mom? That’s it?” I interrupt, trying to find a way to change his mind. I have the feeling that I’ve backed him into a corner, and the longer Sebastian lets me sit here in his car without forcing me to get out, the more sure I am that he actuallywantsme here, and is just trying to convince himself otherwise.

“I’m not afraid of anyone, Julia, but I just don’t want trouble, that’s all.” He turns the engine on, signaling his intention to leave, but still he doesn’t make any moves to pressure me into getting out of the vehicle.

Sebastian is obviously warring with himself over what to do. While he battles with himself, I take the time to admire how handsome he looks. His mid-length dark hair seems to be dancing with the wind of his open window, and his gaze is piercing, almost intimidating. I can feel my heart beating faster as he finally turns to me, his eyes locking onto mine.

“If we go in the middle of nowhere, no one will know,” I suggest, trying to hide the way he makes my pulse race with a smirk. “There are plenty of pockets of nowhere around here, you know.” He stares at me with a mix of amusement and exasperation before turning his attention back to the road, the car finally exiting the parking lot. “We could go to a park, a lake, a forest…” I suggest, my tone hopeful, and my eyes pinned on his face.

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