Page 16 of Julia.

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There is just something about Sebastian that draws me to him, though, something that makes me want to know him more. I know I shouldn't get involved with him, but a huge, loud part of me feels so curious.

Thinking about his hands on my waist during the dance makes me blush again, and I make sure that I’m fully turned away from Mom, because I’m sure if she sees me, she will know exactly what is on my mind. Maybe we should have really kissed in that library when we had the chance. Gosh, I should’ve been more daring…



I tapmy pen on my open, but empty, notebook, trying to pay attention to what the professor is telling us but failing miserably. This is so odd for me that it’s hard to come to terms with. Getting into Law School was one of my biggest dreams and now that I’m finally here, sitting in the auditorium and assisting to a lecture about Law and Morality I’m having a hard time being fully invested in class. My treacherous brain only has one thing floating around in it–-Sebastian van den Bosch.

I need to get through this day, no matter how hard it is. But my thoughts keep drifting back to him, the way it felt as we danced….it’s like my mind is in a haze, unable to think about anything else.

Suddenly, Gabi’s voice snaps me back to reality. “Hey, Julia, wake up!” she says in a whisper, nudging me in the side. “What's going on with you today? You've been out of it since class started.”

I try to shrug it off, but Gabi is insistent. “Come on, spill it. Did something happen at the ball?”

I bite my lip, knowing that I can't keep the truth from her forever. “I danced with someone,” I fess up, feeling the heat rising on my cheeks. “And it was, uh, a lot more enjoyable than I expected.”

Gabi grins, her eyes lighting up with excitement. “Who? Do I know him?”

I hesitate for a moment before answering. “It’s not something I’m totally comfortable talking about yet.”

But to my surprise, she seems genuinely thrilled. “You won’t be able to keep it from me forever, and honestly I’m just shocked and happy that you had a connection with something other than a book for once.”

I shake my head and huff at her statement but she’s right. My romantic life is as dry as the desert of the Sahara, but to be honest, no boy has ever been of interest to me. Until now…

Once the class is over, we gather our things and leave the lecture hall, and out onto the campus concourse. Gabi doesn’t pressure me for my crush’s identity anymore, but she doesn’t waste time asking for all the details about the ball, especially the dance I keep replaying in my thoughts. I feel myself blushing even harder, but before I can say anything else, Gabi points to something behind us.

“It looks like that guy is heading our way,” she says in a whisper. We stop in our tracks and I turn around to check who she is speaking of, only to find Sebastian himself coming towards us from just a few feet away. My jaw drops and my eyes widen at the sight of him.

“Sebastian,” I manage to pull out in a barely audible voice, my eyes fixed on his tall and lean figure.

Gabi and I watch him strand in our direction, until he’s finally close enough to speak to us. His eyes lock onto mine, yet his expression is unreadable.

“Julia.” The way he says my name causes a flurry of emotions to settle into my belly. “I thought I might find you here. I’m glad my instincts were right.”

I glance at Gabi, who seems to be enjoying the moment just as much as I am. There is a smirk on her face that lets me know she’s already put the pieces together, and must know that Sebastian is my mystery dance partner. Since there’s nowhere to hide, I start doing introductions in a failed attempt to appear unbothered.

“Well, um, Gabi—this is Sebastian. Sebastian, my best friend, Gabi.”

They shake hands briefly, and before Gabi can slide a snarky remark, Sebastian speaks up first. “Nice to meet you, Gabi. Are you also studying Law?”

“Yep,” she mumbles, just before trying to be nosy as usual. “So you and Ju—”

“Gabi wants to become a prosecutor like her dad,” I interpose, preventing her to finish her sentence.

“Oh, that’s great.” Sebastian plays along, his interest visibly piqued. “I’m also following the footsteps of my dad.”

Not wanting to make this moment anymore awkward, I say, “We were just on our way out. Do you, eh, want to walk with us?”

Sebastian nods, falling into step beside me. Gabi trails behind us, shooting me a sly grin every now and then. I can feel Sebastian’s eyes on me, and it makes me feel like I'm walking on air. This is crazy, I barely know this man, and yet I feel like I’m under some sort of spell.

“So, are you enjoying your class?” he asks as we make our way through the campus.

“Yep, it’s pretty good. I just started two weeks ago, actually, but it’s been fascinating.”

Sebastian continues asking me about my classes and my interests, and I find myself opening up to him in a way that I haven't with anyone else. I’m surprised by how easy it is to talk to him. We finally reach the entrance, and I turn to face him, feeling a sense of reluctance to say goodbye.

“Thanks for walking with us,” I say, smiling up at him.

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