Page 78 of Dan.

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His words, the first kind ones I've received since the interview aired, warm me from the inside. “Thanks. I just hope it all works out in the end,” I tell him, unable to shake the uncertainty that is riding me.

“It will. I have faith in you,” Dan reassures me. “Your Dad loves you, even if he is being a dick right now. He’ll come around, eventually.” He pauses, then asks, “What are you doing right now?”

“I'm heading to my apartment. I don't want to see anyone who might recognize me. I just need some time to myself.”

“By yourself, do you mean..?” he queries, sounding almost mischievous, and I smile despite myself.

“I guess it’d be okay to have some company,” I offer.

“I'll meet you there, then,” Dan says, needing no other encouragement. “We can close out this day on a good note, I think.”

As I hang up the phone, I can feel the tears prickling at the corners of my eyes. I'm not sure if they're tears of anger or relief. I just know that I need to get out of here before I break down. At least here soon I can be in Dan’s arms, away from everyone who thinks of me as the enemy.

The driver comes quickly when I call him, and I scroll social media on the ride back to my place, wanting to shut my brain off and think of simple things.

When I finally make it to my apartment, I kick off my shoes immediately, all but running to my room to change into comfortable leggings and a sweatshirt. Out of my work clothing, it’s easier to forget about the awful beginning of my day, but it’s not enough.

Heading to the kitchen, I pour myself a glass of wine, despite the early hour. I go for a sweet riesling, wanting something a little decadent, and when I spot the menu neatly folded along with my mail, I decide to order a pizza and just chill out completely. Wine and pizza… not the best combination in the world, but the one I need right now.

Sinking into my couch, I exhale slowly and sip my drink, letting the alcohol hit my empty belly and help to loosen my limbs and ease my mind. The sun is warm coming in through the windows, and I wiggle my toes in the light, living in the moment while I wait for Dan to show up and fix this hellish day.

It doesn’t take him long, and he only knocks once before letting himself in. When I hear his voice, it's like a knot inside of me begins to loosen. Tossing back the rest of the glass of wine, I pad out to the foyer to find my boyfriend, but I’m surprised when I see that he’s brought company: Andries.

Seeing my brother makes all the emotions I’ve been trying to avoid come rushing back, and before I know it I’m blinking back frustrated tears that had wanted to spill earlier. I swallow, realizing I’m going to have to tell the events of earlier to Andries, but before I can say anything he comes forward and pulls me into a warm embrace. All of a sudden I feel like a little girl again, hugging her brother after he’s been gone for a week at fencing camp. It feels like coming home.

I made the right choice. Right here, right now, I’m sure of it.

“Dan already told me everything,” he tells me quietly. “You don’t need to rehash it if you don’t want to. I know it wasn't easy, but you did the right thing,”

I know that he’s right. Hell, I’ve come to the same conclusion myself, but the acceptance of my brother doesn’t heal the wound of my father’s rejection.

I’ve done so much, and gone so far, to make up for the horrible things I did in the past to sabotage Roxanne and Andries, but now that I’ve come out the other side of it all I feel sort of hollow. I’m happy that I’ve done what I could to assist my brother and regain his trust, and I’m glad he’s getting to move forward with the life he wants to live his dreams, but now… what about my dreams?

You’re a disappointment,my dad’s voice rings in my head and I pull out of the hug, dashing tears out of my eyes. I try to smile, but I must look crestfallen, because both Dan and Andries frown.

“What’s wrong?” Andries asks. “Are you having second thoughts?”

I shake my head. “It’s a little late for that, even if I was. Dad is beyond angry.”

“Then what is it?” he presses.

I twist the hem of my sweatshirt in my fingers as I answer. “I don’t know… This might sound petty, but I’m just thinking about how you’re going to get married and move away to start your own life and now… I feel like I’ve sabotaged mine, even if it was for a good cause. You know my dream has always been to work with Dad and eventually take over the company.”

My brother looks stricken. “El, Roxie, and I aren’t going to just abandon you after all this.”

“I know that. You just didn’t see how mad Dad was. He was absolutely furious, and I don’t know if he’ll ever forgive me. Taking over Van den Bosch industries has been my life goal for so long that I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose the opportunity.”

“El, he’ll definitely forgive you,” Andries reassures me. “It isn’t like you did the interview yourself or even pressured me into doing so. Dad will come around.”

“I don’t know about that…” I look at Dan, who waves his hand for me to continue encouragingly. “You guys didn’t see how pissed off he was today. Atme, not just the whole situation. He might be too furious to want to throw Karl under the bus, just to spite us all. And we all know that if Dad wants to save Karl, the company will just throw a shit ton of money to lawyers and get him out of everything.” My brother and Dan look at each other like they know something I don’t, and I grasp onto it right away. “Hey… what’s going on? Why are you two looking at each other like that?”

“His ass can’t be saved this time,” Dan admits, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Bianca, the dancer Karl paid, was interrogated by the prosecutor, and she admitted that he paid her.”

“What!” I gasp, hands flying to my chest in surprise. Shock ripples through me at this bombshell revelation. “Are you serious? How do you guys know this!?”

“Roxanne’s lawyer told us,” Andries supplies. “The prosecutor is still on the fence about whether they want to send Roxanne to trial or not, but even if they choose to, her defense is stronger than Karl’s. There’s no way she could lose.”

I have a million more questions, but before I can ask them, the door buzzes behind me, causing me to jump.

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